156 GlossarykHz — kilohertz — A measurement of frequency thatequals 1000 Hz.LLAN — local area network — A computer networkcovering a small area. A LAN usually is confined to abuilding or a few nearby buildings. A LAN can beconnected to another LAN over any distance throughtelephone lines and radio waves to form a wide areanetwork (WAN).LCD — liquid crystal display — The technology used byportable computer and flat-panel displays.LED — light-emitting diode — An electronic componentthat emits light to indicate the status of the computer.local bus — A data bus that provides a fast throughput fordevices to the processor.LPT — line print terminal — The designation for aparallel connection to a printer or other parallel device.MMb — megabit — A measurement of memory chipcapacity that equals 1024 Kb.Mbps — megabits per second — One million bits persecond. This measurement is typically used fortransmission speeds for networks and modems.MB — megabyte — A measurement of data storage thatequals 1,048,576 bytes. 1 MB equals 1024 KB. When usedto refer to hard drive storage, the term is often rounded to1,000,000 bytes.MB/sec — megabytes per second — One million bytesper second. This measurement is typically used for datatransfer ratings.memory — A temporary data storage area inside yourcomputer. Because the data in memory is not permanent,it is recommended that you frequently save your fileswhile you are working on them, and always save your filesbefore you shut down the computer. Your computer cancontain several different forms of memory, such as RAM,ROM, and video memory. Frequently, the word memory isused as a synonym for RAM.memory address — A specific location where data istemporarily stored in RAM.memory mapping — The process by which the computerassigns memory addresses to physical locations at start-up.Devices and software can then identify information thatthe processor can access.memory module — A small circuit board containingmemory chips, which connects to the system board.MHz — megahertz — A measure of frequency that equals1 million cycles per second. The speeds for computerprocessors, buses, and interfaces are often measured inMHz.Mini PCI — A standard for integrated peripherals withan emphasis on communications such as such as modemsand NICs. Mini PCI is a small card that is functionallyequivalent to a standard PCI expansion card.modem — A device that allows your computer tocommunicate with other computers over analogtelephone lines. Three types of modems include: external,PC Card or ExpressCard, and internal. You typically useyour modem to connect to the Internet and exchangee-mail.module bay — A bay that supports devices such as opticaldrives.monitor — The high-resolution TV-like device thatdisplays computer output.mouse — A pointing device that controls the movementof the cursor on your screen. Typically you roll the mouseover a hard, flat surface to move the pointer or cursor onyour screen.ms — millisecond — A measure of time that equals onethousandth of a second. Access times of storage devicesare often measured in ms.Nnetwork adapter — A chip that provides networkcapabilities. A computer may include a network adapteron its system board, or it may contain an PC Card with anadapter on it. A network adapter is also referred to as aNIC (network interface controller).book.book Page 156 Wednesday, April 4, 2007 7:31 AM