Getting Started Guide 39Initial Configuration ProcedurePerform the initial configuration by using the Dell Easy Setup Wizard or byusing the CLI. The wizard automatically starts when the switch configurationfile is empty. You can exit the wizard at any point by entering [ctrl+z], but allconfiguration settings specified will be discarded, and the switch will use thedefault values.NOTE: If you do not run the Dell Easy Setup Wizard or do not respond to the initialEasy Setup Wizard prompt within 60 seconds, the switch enters CLI mode. You mustreset the switch with an empty startup configuration in order to rerun the Dell EasySetup Wizard.For more information about performing the initial configuration by using theCLI, refer to the CLI Reference Guide. This Getting Started Guide shows howto use the Dell Easy Setup Wizard for initial switch configuration. The wizardsets up the following configuration on the switch:• Establishes the initial privileged user account with a valid password. Thewizard configures one privileged user account during the setup.• Enables CLI login and HTTP access to use the local authentication settingonly.• Sets up the IP address for the OOB management interface.• Sets up the IP address for the VLAN 1 routing interface, of which allin-band ports are members.• Sets up the SNMP community string to be used by the SNMP manager ata given IP address. You may choose to skip this step if SNMP managementis not used for this switch.• Allows you to specify the network management system IP address orpermit management access from all IP addresses.• Configures the default gateway IP address for the VLAN 1 interface.