170 | Using RAPIDS and Rogue Classification Dell PowerConnect W-AirWave 7.4 | User GuideFigure 118 RAPIDS > Setup Page IllustrationTable 94 RAPIDS > Setup > Basic Configuration FieldsField Default DescriptionARP IP Match Timeout 24 If you have routers and switches on the AMP, and it's scanning them for ARPtables, this can assign a rogue IP address information. This timeout specifieshow recent that information needs to be for the IP address to be consideredvalid. Note that the default ARP poll period is long (several hours).RAPIDS Export Threshold SuspectedRogueExported rogues will be sent to VisualRF for location calculation.Wired-to-Wireless MACAddress Correlation4 Discovered BSSIDs and LAN MAC addresses which are within this bitmask willbe combined into one device. 4 requires all but the last digit match(aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:fX). 8 requires all but the last two digits match(aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:XX).Wireless BSSID Correlation 4 Similar BSSIDs will be combined into one device when they fall within thisbitmask. Setting this value too high may result in identifying two differentphysical devices as the same rogue. Note: When you change this value,RAPIDS will not immediately combine (or un-combine) rogue records. Changeswill occur during subsequent processing of discovery events.Delete Rogues not detectedfor (0-14 days, zero disables):0 This value cannot be larger than the rogue discovery event expiration (14)configured on the AMP Setup page, unless that value is set to 0.Automatically OS scan roguedevicesNo Whether to scan the operating system of rogues. Enabling this feature willcause RAPIDS to perform an OS scan when it gets in IP address for a roguedevice. The OS scan will be run when a rogue gets an IP address for the firsttime or if the IP address changes.Table 95 RAPIDS > Setup > Classification Options FieldsField Default DescriptionAcknowledge Rogues byDefaultNo Sets RAPIDS to acknowledge rogue devices upon initial detection, prior to theirclassification.Manually Classifying RoguesAutomatically AcknowledgesthemYes Defines whether acknowledgement happens automatically whenever a roguedevice receives a manual classification.