40 About Your SystemUnsupported CPUcombinationUnsupported CPUsteppingdetectedMicroprocessor(s) is notsupported by the system.Install a supportedmicroprocessor ormicroprocessor combination(see "Processors" onpage 133).Utilitypartition notavailableThe key was pressedduring POST, but no utilitypartition exists on the boothard drive.Create a utility partition onthe boot hard drive (see theCDs that came with yoursystem).Warning: A fatalerror has causedsystem reset!Please check thesystem event log!A fatal system error occurredand caused the system torestart.Check the SEL forinformation that was loggedduring the error. See theapplicable troubleshootingsection in "TroubleshootingYour System" on page 159 forany faulty componentsspecified in the SEL.Warning! No microcode updateloaded forprocessornMicro code update failed. Update the BIOS firmware(see "Getting Help" onpage 205).Warning: Theinstalled memoryconfiguration isnot optimal. Formore informationon valid memoryconfigurations,please see thesystemdocumentation onsupport.dell.comInvalid memoryconfiguration.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration (see"General Memory ModuleInstallation Guidelines" onpage 127). If the problempersists, see"Troubleshooting SystemMemory" on page 174.Table 1-6. System Messages (continued)Message Causes Corrective Actions