Uninstalling the Dell OST Plug-In for LinuxUse the following uninstall process if you need to uninstall the Dell OST plug-in on a Linux-based media server:1. Stop the NetBackup nbrmms service before using the -uninstall option.The OST plug-in installer returns an error if the NetBackup nbrmms service is running when attempting to uninstallthe OST plug-in.2. Run the OST plug-in installer with the -uninstall option, which uninstalls the plug-in, using the following command:$> ./Dellostplugin-x86_64-xxxxx.bin -uninstallNOTE: You must stop the NetBackup nbrmms service before uninstalling the OST plug-in (you are alsorequired to use the Dell OST plug-in installer to uninstall the plug-in).3. Check that the plug-in is uninstalled by using the following NetBackup command on the Linux media server:$> /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstsinfo -plugininfoNOTE: If the -pluginfo command returns any Dell OST plug-in details, this means that the plug-in has not beenuninstalled.4. Retain the OST plug-in installer on the media server in case you need to use it to reinstall the plug-in.Configuring DR Series System Information Using NetBackupThe topic introduces the concept of configuring the DR Series system information using the NetBackup media servercommand line interface (CLI) commands and graphical user interface (GUI) menus, tabs, and options. The NetBackupCLI commands and GUI menus, tabs, and options allow you to configure both the Linux or Windows media servers. In theDR Series System Administrator Guide documentation, you will find specific topics that address operations for using theNetBackup CLI, such as adding the DR Series system name to NetBackup on each Linux and Windows media server youintend to use with the DR Series system, using the NetBackup GUI to configure it to work with the DR Series system viaOST, using the NetBackup GUI to configure disk pools from logical storage units (LSUs) on the DR Series system, andusing the NetBackup GUI to create storage units using the disk pools on the DR Series system.Related LinksConfiguring NetBackup for the DR Series SystemUse the NetBackup graphical user interface (GUI) to configure it to work with the DR Series system via OST.This process is essentially the same type of operation for either the Linux or Windows platforms.Configuring the DR Series System Using the Backup Exec GUIBackup Exec only supports the use of its own graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring the DR Seriessystem. There is no supported Backup Exec command-line interface (CLI) for using Backup Exec 2010version.Using NetBackup CLI to Add DR Series System Name (Windows)This topic describes how to use the NetBackup CLI to add the DR Series system name to each Windows-based media server you plan to use with the DR Series system.Using NetBackup CLI to Add the DR Series System Name (Linux)136