Back to Contents PageGlossary: Dell Precision™ WorkStation 620 Systems User's GuideA • B • C • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • T • U • V • W • X • Y • ZAAampere(s)ACalternating currentACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface. ACPI enables operating-system-directed power management rather than system BIOS-directedpower management. In addition, it provides a generic system event mechanism for Plug and Play and an interface for configuration control.adapter cardAn expansion card that plugs into an expansion-card connector on the computer's system board. An adapter card adds some specialized functionto the computer by providing an interface between the expansion bus and a peripheral device. Examples of adapter cards include network cardsand sound cards.ADIAutodesk Device InterfaceAGPaccelerated graphics port. AGP is a dedicated graphics port that provides a faster interface between the video subsystem and system memorythan a PCI graphics device and allows conventional memory to be used for video-related tasks. The improved interface enables AGP to deliver asmooth, true-color video image.application programSoftware, such as a spreadsheet or word processor, designed to help you perform a specific task or series of tasks. Application programsrun from the operating system.ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange. A text file containing only characters from the ASCII character set (usually created with a texteditor, such as Notepad in Microsoft® Windows®) is called an ASCII file.ASICapplication-specific integrated circuitasset tag codeAn individual code assigned to a computer, usually by a system administrator, for security or tracking purposes.attributeAs it relates to DMI, an attribute is a piece of information related to a component. Attributes can be combined to form groups. If an attribute isdefined as read-write, it may be defined by a management application.autoexec.bat fileThe autoexec.bat file (Windows 98 and MS-DOS® only) is executed when you boot your computer (after executing any commands in theconfig.sys file). That start-up file contains commands that define the characteristics of each device connected to your computer, and it finds andexecutes programs stored in locations other than the active directory.Bbackup