Understanding Your Dell Streak 7 Tablet 31The status area may also display some of the following icons:The notification area may also display some of the following icons:2 Status area • Displays status icons to show the current stateof your device, such as battery power,charging progress, alarms set, networkconnections, and so on.• Touch and drag down the status bar to viewthe information regarding the carrier currentlyin use, remaining battery charge, and so on.3 Time area Displays the current time.Alarm is set Connected to a Wi-Fi networkBattery status — 100% full Bluetooth is enabledBattery is low and needs to bechargedConnected to a new BluetoothdeviceBattery is extremely low andneeds to be chargedimmediatelyGPS satellites function isenabledBattery is charging Airplane mode is enabledVibrate mode is enabled Receiving location data fromGPS satellitesSilent mode is enabled Ongoing data synchronizationThe headphone is connectedProblem with sign-in or sync New e-mailSD card is full Download in progress