Dell Streak 7 Tablet Features 75 Power and Sleep/Wake button • Press and hold to turn on thedevice.• Press to turn the screen on or off.• While the device is on, press andhold to select one of these options:–Silent mode: The device is set tovibrate mode; all sounds aredisabled except for alarms.–Airplane mode: Disable allwireless connections.–Power off: Turn off the device.6 Battery status light Indicates the battery charge statusand pending notifications. Thedifferent lights indicate the following:• Solid green — Battery is fullycharged when connected topower.• Solid amber — Battery is charging.• Solid red — Battery charge is lowand the battery is charging.• Blinking red — Battery charge islow.• Blinking green — Indicates pendingnotifications.7 Back button Touch to return to the previousscreen, close a dialog box, menu, orpop-up message, and to dismiss thekeyboard.8 Menu button Touch to open or close optionsmenus that display available tools forthe current application or actions thatyou can perform on the currentscreen.Buttons/Connectors/Parts Functionality