Ch ap te r 2 Co n tro l Reg is te r2 - 1 32_TUCR#TK CH1Page2Address(Hex)TK CH2Page12Address(Hex)Attribute Name Description Defaultmax. step number to run#24 058 138 R/W O Pattern7_ set up for themax. step number to run K0#25 059 139 R XThe current cycle indexnumber of the Patternnumber 0~7 to repeatrunningK0#26 05A 13A R/W O Temperature wait functionsetupK0~K999 (unit: 0.1)K9999: disable K0#27 05B 13B R/W OGo back to the patternnumber that is currentlyrunning K0~K7K0#28 05C 13C R/W OGo back to the stepnumber that is currentlyrunningK0#29 05D 13D R/W O Time unit of programcontrolK0: The unit is 1 min.K1: The unit is 0.1 sec. K02.1.7 Pattern0, 1 Setup PageTUCR#TK CH1Page3Address(Hex)TK CH2Page13Address(Hex)Attribute Name Description Default#11 06B 14B R/W O Pattern0-0 Target temperatureRange: K -32768~K32767 K0#12 06C 14C R/W O Pattern0-1 Target temperature#13 06D 14D R/W O Pattern0-2 Target temperature#14 06E 14E R/W O Pattern0-3 Target temperature#15 06F 14F R/W O Pattern0-4 Target temperature#16 070 150 R/W O Pattern0-5 Target temperature#17 071 151 R/W O Pattern0-6 Target temperature#18 072 152 R/W O Pattern0-7 Target temperature#19 073 153 R/W O Pattern0-0 Running timeRange: K0~K900 Unit(minutes)K0#20 074 154 R/W O Pattern0-1 Running time#21 075 155 R/W O Pattern0-2 Running time#22 076 156 R/W O Pattern0-3 Running time#23 077 157 R/W O Pattern0-4 Running time#24 078 158 R/W O Pattern0-5 Running time#25 079 159 R/W O Pattern0-6 Running time#26 07A 15A R/W O Pattern0-7 Running time