D VP02 TK-S/D VP02 TU- S Temper ature C on tr ol Mod ule Man ua l2 - 1 8_22.1.11 Automatic PID Calculation Setup PagePlease refer to chapter 2.9 for the feature descriptions.TUCR#TK CH1Page7Address(Hex)TK CH2Page17Address(Hex)Attribute Name Description Default#11 291 2B1 R/W X The set point currentlybeing adjustedSet the point that you intend toadjust with the setting value K1and K2. When the adjustmentfinished, the value would changeto another set point automatically.K0#12 292 2B2 R/W O Switch forauto-calculationK1: Turn ONK0: Turn OFFAfter successfully adjusting bothpoint, the auto-calculation featurewould be switch ON.K0#13~#19293~2992B3~2B9 R/W O For internal calculation.#20 29A 2BA R/W O The first set point SV Value of the first set point SV K0#21~#2629B~2A02BB~2C0 R/W O For internal calculation.#27 2A1 2C1 R/W O The second set point SV Value of the second set point SV K0#28~#332A2~2A72C2~2C7 R/W O For internal calculation.