4421 Tradition Trail ● Plano, Texas 75093 ● 972 -964-2700 ● 800-836-7472URL: www.iscenclosurecooling.com ● Email: iscinfo@iscsales.comSP-ENG-210-100-09 Rev 1.6 13 | P a g eSystem FaultsIf any of the critical control parameters exceed limits, the compressor is turned off and an alarmcondition is indicated on the front panel.There are three main conditions that can shut the AC compressor down: The condenser high temperature alarm The evaporator coil alarm The compressor thermal overloadIn the event that the condenser coil overheats, a condenser high temperature alarm, HA2, will flash onthe display of the digital temperature controller and the compressor will turn off after a 3 minute timedelay.In the case that the evaporator coil ices up or there is a leak, an evaporator coil alarm, CA, will flashon the display of the digital temperature controller and the compressor will turn off after a 2 minutetime delay.A thermal overload protects the compressor against faults. In the event that the snowflake status LEDis not flashing on the display and the compressor is not running, an internal fault may have occurredon the unit. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in this manual.Digital Temperature Controller ProgrammingFor the end user this section will provide all the necessary information to view and change all functionsand parameters available to you.HOW TO SEE THE SETPOINT……..1. Press and immediately release the SET key. The display will show the setpoint value.2. Press and immediately release the SET key or wait for 15 seconds to display the enclosure temperatureagain.HOW TO CHANGE THE SETPOINT……..1. Press the SET key for more than 2 seconds to change the setpoint value.2. The value of the setpoint will be displayed and the “F” LED starts blinking.3. To change the SET value, press the UP or DOWN arrow key within 15 seconds.4. To store the new setpoint value, press the SET key again or wait 15 seconds.Note: The set value is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting for the time -out to expire.