4421 Tradition Trail ● Plano, Texas 75093 ● 972 -964-2700 ● 800-836-7472URL: www.iscenclosurecooling.com ● Email: iscinfo@iscsales.comSP-ENG-210-100-09 Rev 1.6 8 | P a g eCAUTIONIf mounting the air conditioner to the enclosure door, confirm with the enclosure manufacturer that thedoor’s hinges will support the air conditioner’s added weight (see equipment specifications). Insurethat when the door is fully open that the enclosure will not topple over due to the off-center load.Unit SpecificationsThe following tables provide electrical and refrigeration specifications for the RZ-01 Series AirConditioners.RZ-01A SeriesNominal Capacity Rating: 1,000 BTUHStandard Maximum Ambient: 125°FUnit Weight: 57lbs (120/230VAC)ModelOperatingVoltageRange(Volts)InrushCurrent(StartUpCurrent)(Amps)LoadingCurrent(RunningCurrent)(Amps)SCCR(ShortCircuitCurrentRating)(Amps)RecommendedFuse Selection(Amps)KVA Rating(K-Watts)RefrigerantTypeRefrigerantAmount(ounces)Low/HighUnitPressures(psi)RZ-01A -126 110-120 22.69 3.44 *212 Amp ClassCC, CCMRTime Delay *0.5 R134a 12.00 88 / 178RZ-01A -236 220-240 13.77 2.67 *27 Amp ClassCC, CCMRTime Delay *0.6 R134a 12.00 88 / 290* Time-delay Fuses with the following electrical characteristics are recommended. Fast -acting fusesare not recommended.% of Ampere Rating Opening Time110 % 15min Minimum125 % 1hr Maximum200 % 12sec Minimum4min Maximum*2 SCCR rating is based on the SCCR rating for the circuit protection device installed in the panel /enclosure per UL50 & UL508a to protect the AC unit. Typically 100KA – 200KA for Time-Delay Fuses.