Selecting a sound mode .SOUND MODESOUND MODEPOWERPOWERAVR CONTROLAVR CONTROLQUICK SELECTQUICK SELECTGAMEGAMECBCBL /SATBlu-rayBlu-rayDVDVDAUX1AUX1AUX2AUX2INTERNETRADIOADIOVOLUMEVOLUMEINFOINFOSETUPSETUPCH/PAGEPAGEMENUMENUZ 2 Z 3Z 311 2 3 42 34 5 67 8 9ENTERENTER0+10+10GHIGHI JKLJKL MNOMNOPQRSPQRS TUVTUVABCABC. /. / DEFDEF SLEEPEPWXYZWXYZMAINMAINPHONOPHONODEV.V. TV AVRDEVICEDEVICE TVMEDIAIAPLAYERER CDCDTUNERTUNERTVAUDIOAUDIOMENUMENUINPINPUTMUTEMUTEECOECOBluetoothBluetoothOPTIONOPTIONENTERENTERTUNETUNE TUNETUNEBACKBACKPUREPUREMOVIEMOVIE GAMEGAMEMUSICMUSICUSBUSBPUREMOVIEMUSIC GAMEuiThis unit allows you to enjoy various kinds of surround and stereoplayback modes.Disc formats such as Blu-ray Disc and DVD, as well as being supported bydigital broadcasting, and even by streaming movies and music frominternet-based subscription services.This unit supports playback of almost all of these multi-channel audioformats. It also supports surround playback of audio formats other thanmulti-channel audio such as 2-channel stereo audio.0 For audio formats recorded on a disc, see the disc jacket or label.Contents Connections Playback Settings Tips Appendix138Front panel Display Rear panel Remote Index