(9) Adjustment of Tracking Gain@Adjust it in the same condition as to focus gain inthe state of all the servos are operated by pushingI] PAUSE Button except the measuring equip-ment connections.Audio oscillator should be connected while theservo is in operation.If the connection is made before servo operation,causing mis-operation.If the connection is made in failure, disconnectoscillator, push stop button ( = STOP) to stop alloperations, and follow the steps from the begin-ning. Then push the pause button ( j]| PAUSE) toactivate the servo operation again.Connection of measuring equipment.Connect all kinds of measuring equipment settingto each Test Points of TP101 as below figures.TEOXPin @) of TP-101TELPin © of TP-101 0GNDPin ©) of TP-1010* TEO: Track Error OutTEI: Track Error In@) Adjustment@ Set the output of audio oscillator to 2.1 kHz3 Vp-p + 0.1 V. :® Select oscilloscope input at X-Y mode so to ob-serve Lissajous waveform. (Select DC rangeboth X and Y inputs.)@ Adjust VR-104 and obtain Lissajous waveformsymmetric to both X and Y axes. The wave-form is the same as focus gain adjustment.Frequency Counter=aOscilloscopeAudio OscillatorSet to 2.1 kHz, 3Vp-p