Denon DCD-1500II Service Manual
remaining tracks on the disc can be selected.Normaily the elapsed playback time of the current track isdisplayed. If the button is pressed once, the in-dicator lights and the remaining time left to play on thetrack is displayed. If the button is pressed again, theSINGLE | indicator goes out, and the [TOTAL | indicatorgoes on, and the playback time for the remaining tracks lefton the disc is displayed. If the button is pressed once more,the TOTAL | indicator goes out and the display returnsto the elapsed playback time for that track.If the button is pressed so that the LTOTAL Jindicator lightsduring programmed playback, the playback time for all ofthe remaining programmed tracks is displayed.All Button (ALL)e@ Press this button to repeat playback.@ When the [ALL] button is pressed, the [REPEAT ] indicatorlights and repeated playback is performed for all of thetracks on the disc. During programmed playback, all of thetracks programmed into memory are played repeatedly.Press the [REPEAT | button again to cancel the repeatoperation.One Track Repeat Button (1)@ Press this button when desiring to replay 1 track only.Pressing this button while a track is playing will cause theplayer to replay that track only. (Refer to page 8).A-B Repeat Button (A — B)@ Press this button to perform repeated playback of a desiredsection between two specified points. (Refer to page 8 fordetails.)Index Button (INDEX)e@ Press this button when playing from the index within thetracks. Specify the index No. from the ten key pad.Clear Button (CLEAR)e Use this key to make corrections in the programmed tracks.Call Button (CALL)@ Press this button to verify the track numbers that have beenprogrammed into memory.Program and Direct Button (PROG/DIRECT)@ Press this button to select the memory program function ordirect track selection function.+10 Button (+10)@ Press this button to select a track number that is larger than11.e@ The +10 button is used in conjunction with the ten-key pad@. For example, to select track number 15, press thebutton and then{S]on the ten-key pad.@ Similarly, to select track number 32, press [+10] , [+10],+10] and then press [2].Ten key red (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)These buttons are pressed for direct track selection or toProgram a selection into memory. For example, to playback the third track using the direct selection function,press [3] on the key pad. Track number 3 will then start toplay. To play track number 12, press [+10] and then :@ To use the keypad in program mode, first press the (PROG/DIRECT) button @® to enter the correct mode.Play Button ( » PLAY)e Press this button to play a disc.@ When the PLAY button is pressed, the [PLAY] indicatorlights, and the number of the track being played, the indexnumber, and the elapsed playback time for that track aredisplayed. The calendar lights to display the all of theplayback tracks. The displayed tracks then go out in orderas each finishes playing.@ When playback of the last track has finished, theindicator goes out, and the machine enters stop state.@ It is also possible to use the PLAY button to close the discholder after a disc has been inserted. Playback then begins.@® pene Button ( Il PAUSE)Press this button to stop the playback temporarily.e If the PAUSE button is pressed during playback, the play isstopped temporarily, the [PBPLAY] indicator goes out, andthe [LILPAUSE indicatortinhdiae- -e To end the pause, push the PLAY button @® or PAUSEbutton ® again.@® Stop Button (HM STOP)@ Press this button to stop the playback.@ The rotation of the disc stops, and the total number oftracks and the total playback time are read out on theTRACK NO, and TIME sections of the display.@ During programmed playback, the total number of tracksprogrammed in memory and the total programmed per-formance time are displayed.@ Automatic Search Reverse Button ( Kd )@ Press this button to move the pickup backward, to returnto the beginning of the desired track.e If this button is pressed during playback or pause, the pick-up moves back ward to the beginning of the track thatcorresponds to the number of times the button was pressed.@ Automatic Search Forward Button ( >>I )@ Press this button to move the pickup forward and advanceto the beginning of the desired track.eIfthisbuttonispressedduringplaybackorpause, thePick-upmovesforwardtothebeginningofthe track thatcorres:pondstothenumberoftimesthebuttonwaspressed.@ManualSearch ReverseButton (<4)© Press this button to move playback in fast reverse.@Whenthemachineisinplay,soundwillbeproducedduringthetimethatthebuttonisbeingpressedandthefastre-verseisoperating.e If the button is pressed while-the machine is in the Pausestate, the fast reverse will operate three times faster thanthe reverse speed when the machine is in the play state. ~No sound will be produced.@)ManualSearchForwardButton(>>)@ Press this button to move playback in fast forward.@ Whe the machine is in play, sound will be produced duringthe time that the button is being pressed and the fast for-ward is operating.elfthebuttonispressed whilethemachineisinthePausestate,thefastforwardwilloperatethreetimesfasterthanthefastforwardspeedwhenthemachineisintheplaystate.Nosoundwillbeproduced.@ Headphone Jack (PHONES)@Whenusingheadphones,pleaselistentothematanappro-priatevolume.(Headphonesaresoldseparately.)@® Volume adjustment knobe@Thisknobisusedtoadjustthe outputlevel(volume)oftheheadphonejack.@DigitalOutputSwitch(DIGITALOUTPUT)©Usethisswitchtoturn thedigitaloutputterminalsignalonandoff.©Thedigitalsignalisnotoutputwhenthisswitchisoff.@) Output terminal (FIX-VARIABLE)@Connecttheoutputterminaltotheinput terminaloftheamp.(Refertopage6for detailsonconnections.)@®DigitalOutputTerminal(DIGITAL OUTPUT-COAXIAL)@ This terminal outputs digital data.@DigitalOutput Terminal(DIGITAL OUTPUT-OPTICAL)This terminal output data as fight.Optical fiber cord used: Tos-Link types TOCP155 orTOCP172. ZCaution: Optical fiber cord is sold separately. |
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