15ENGLISH2-1FLANGER ONt When the FLANGER button ispressed, the flanger function isturned on and the parameterselection mode is set.*When the flanger functionis on, press the FLANGERbutton to set the flangerparameter selection mode.2-2Set the parametersy In the parameter selectionmode, the “FLANGER” and“PARAMETERS” LEDflashes and the flangerparameters can be selectedwith PARAMETERS knoband scratch disc.FLANGER Gain:Scratch disc.*3 The FLANGER gain is displayed in theplayback position indicators.FLANGER Time:PARAMETERS knob.*4 The FLANGER time is displayed in thecharactor display.FLANGERFLANGERFLANGER OFFi When the FLANGERbutton is pressed, theflanger parameter selectionmode is set. If theFLANGER button ispressed again, the flangerfunction is turned off.3-1FILTER ONo When the FILTER button ispressed, the filter function isturned on and the parameterselection mode is set.*When filter function is on,press the FILTER button toset the filter parameterselection mode.3-2Select the parameters!0 In the parameter selectionmode, the “FILTER” and“PARAMETERS” LEDflashes and the filterparameters can be selectedwith PARAMETERS knoband scratch disc.Filter Frequency:Scratch disc.*5 The Filter frequency is displayed in theplayback position indicators.Filter types:PARAMETERS knob.*6 The Filter types is displayed in thecharacter displayed.FILTERFILTER2-33-3ONPOWER:DRAG-SON :TAPPRESETCONT.TIME/SINGLEMEMOMP3 SEARCH MODETITLE/LOOPDISC MODEFILTER0OFFA1RELOOPEXIT/BA2TRACK SEARCHNEXT TR./B TRIMCLR AFLIPQUICK JUMPFAST SEARCHBENDAUTOw, e, y, u, !0, !1*2*4*6*1*3*5q, rt, io, !2e, u, !11 -1ECHO/LOOP ONq When the ECHO/LOOPbutton is pressed, theecho/loop function is turnedon and the parameterselection mode is set.*When echo/loop function ison, press the ECHO/LOOPbutton to set the parameterselection mode.1 -31 -2Set the parametersw In the parameter selectionmode, the “ECHO/LOOP”and “PARAMETERS” LEDflashes and the echo/loopparameters can be selectedwith PARAMETERS knoband scratch disc.Echo Feedback number:Scratch disc.*1 The Echo Feedback number isdisplayed in the playback positionindicators.Echo Time:PARAMETERS knob.*2 The Echo time is displayed in thecharacter display.One of the six effectors can be selected.ECHO/LOOP1 -4Parameter selection mode OFFe When the PARAMETERknob or the DISC MODEbutton is pushed, parameterselection mode is canceled.MP3 SEARCH MODEPARAMETERSPUSHTRACK SEARCHECHO/LOOPSelect the LOOP modeWhen the feedback number is set to themaximum, loop playback with the specifiedtime begins. Other tracks can be selected orhedisc can be replaced for seamless play.ECHO LOOP FADE OUT• The parameter mode is turned off whilethe echo loop is reproducing when theback cue or NEXT TRACK is selected atthe parameter selection mode.• When the new track is selected andplayback is started, echo loop playbackstops by fade out. An echo loop playbackand a normal playback can be smoothlyreplaced.• The disc can also be ejected during EchoLoop and replaced with a new discwithout interrupting the sound. Once anew track is selected and PLAY ispushed, the echo loop starts toautomatically fade out.:OFFON :DISC MODESEARCH/BENDSCRATCHMP3 SEARCH MODEPARAMETERSPUSHTRACK SEARCHMP3 SEARCH MODEPARAMETERSPUSHTRACK SEARCHFLANGEREFFECTOR1-5ECHO/LOOP OFFr When the ECHO/LOOPbutton is pressed, theecho/loop parameterselection mode is set. IF theECHO/LOOP button ispressed again, the echo/loopfunction is turned off.ECHO/LOOP2-4Parameter selection mode OFFu When the PARAMETERknob or the DISC MODEbutton is pushed, parameterselection mode is canceled.:OFFON :DISC MODESEARCH/BENDSCRATCHFILTER OFF!2 When the FILTER button ispressed, the filter parameterselection mode is set. If theFILTER button is pressedagain, the filter function isturned off.3-4Parameter selection mode OFF!1 When the PARAMETERknob or the DISC MODEbutton is pushed, parameterselection mode is canceled.:OFFON :DISC MODESEARCH/BENDSCRATCHFILTER