W Sound output from the DVM-1800’s digital audio output connectorsfDisc played Audro recording format Sound output Il Dolby Drgrtal bitstream (I to 312 1 channels) or PCM (48 kHz/lG bit) (2 channels). (NOTE 1, 2)* Select with the “Drgrtal Audio Output” default setting. (See page 55.)Dolby Digitall dts brtstream or no output+ Select with the “Drgrtal Audro Output” default setting. (See page 55.)DVD vrdeo DTSLinear PCM48 kHzi96 kHz16/20/24 brtl Linear PCM (48 kHz/lG brt only) (2 channels) or no output. (NOTE 2)* Select with the “Digital Audio Output” default setting. (See page 55.)Video CD MPEGI . PCM (44.1 kHz) (NOTE 1)CD Lrnear PCM l Ltnear PCM 144 1 kHz)NOTE 1 The type of audro output from the connector can be selected by “7 Drgrtal Audio Output” of the rnrtral setting. (See page 55.)NOTE 2. Compressed audto IS converted to PCM before output.NOTE:l Some dts decorders which do not support DVD- dts Interface may not work properly with the DVD video auto changer.l Linear PCM audio is the signal recording format used for music CDs.Whrle the signals are recorded at 44.1 kHz/lG brt for music CDs, for DVDs they are recorded at 48 kHz/lG bit to 96 kHz/24 bit, providing highersound quality than music CDs.TV *Set the “Digital Audio Output” default setting as shown below.(See page 55.)l “PCM Down Conversion” - “NO”l “Dolby Digital” -+ “PCM”. “dts” + “OFF”Playing DVDs with incorrect settings may result noise that coulddamage your ears or the speakers.DVM-1800 Digital audio inputconnector (COAXIAL)13