42In addition to the functions given on the previous pages, System Mode has these fourfunctions: Deleting files, Downloading/uploading the BHT system parameter file, Set-ting the remote wakeup parameters, and Downloading/uploading the system messagefile.To call up these functions, press the 0, 3, 4 or 6 key, respectively, while holding downthe SF key when the SYSTEM MENU is displayed.SYSTEM MENU ⇐ Press the PW key while holding down the SFand 1 keys.Deleting filesDeletes a program file or data filestored in the memory.(Refer to Subsection 2.5.3, [ 7 ].)Downloading/uploading the BHTsystem parameter fileDownloads or uploads the systemparameter file.(Refer to Subsection 2.5.3, [ 8 ].)Setting the remote wakeup parametersSets the remote wakeup parameters.(Refer to Subsection 2.5.3, [ 9 ].)0 with SFheld down3 with SFheld down4 with SFheld down6 with SFheld downDownloading/uploading the systemmessage fileDownloads or uploads the systemmessage file.(Refer to Subsection 2.5.3, [ 10 ].)