www.desatech.com 122270-01D24OPTIONAL POSITIONINGOF THERMOSTATSENSING bULbFOR MASONRY AND FACTORY-BUILT METAL FIREpLACEIf your log set cycles to pilot, but the room tem-perature drops to a lower than ideal comfort levelbefore the log set comes back on, you may wantto reposition the thermostat sensing bulb.The thermostat sensing bulb is located onthe left side of the base assembly. This loca-tion allows the thermostat to keep the roomtemperature at an ideal comfort level for mostfireplace applications. For positioning the ther-mostat sensing bulb elsewhere, an adhesive-backed mounting clip is available.1. Locate the gas valve assembly and ther-mostat sensing bulb (see Figure 31).2. Gently pull thermostat sensing bulb freefrom the retaining clamp.IMPORTANT: Do not force or bend thethermostat sensing bulb or capillary.3. The thermostat sensing bulb may belocated to the lower right front side of fire-place. Determine location of sensing bulb,but do not mount sensing bulb until step 4.If you have a masonry fireplace, see Figure33 for location.If you have a factory-built metal fireplace,see Figure 34 for location.If your fireplace has glass doors, positionsensing bulb directly behind door gap onright bottom side (see Figure 35).4. The mounting clip must be a minimum of 3"from bottom of fireplace to prevent crimpingof capillary. Once you have decided on alocation, clean the area thoroughly. Removethe paper backing from the adhesive onback of mounting clip. Press the clip into thenew location so that the thermostat sensingbulb will be positioned vertically with thecapillary at the bottom (see Figure 36). Slidethe thermostat sensing bulb into the clip.IMPORTANT: Do not crimp capillary.Figure 31 - Location of Gas ValveAssembly and Thermostat Sensing BulbFigure 32 - Adhesive-backed Mounting ClipFigure 33 - Locating Thermostat SensingBulb on Masonry FireplaceFigure 34 - Locating Thermostat SensingBulb on Factory-built Metal FireplaceAdhesive-backedMounting ClipThermostatSensing BulbFigure 35 - Installing Thermostat SensingBulb Behind Glass DoorsFigure 36 - Positioning the ThermostatSensing Bulb in the Vertical Positionwith the Capillary at the BottomAdhesive-backedMountingClipGlass DoorThermostatSensingBulbCapillaryThermostatSensing BulbDo Not CrimpCapillaryAdhesive-backedMounting ClipAdhesive-backedMounting ClipThermostatSensing BulbGas ValveAssemblyThermostatSensing Bulb RetainingClamp