www.desatech.com 901053-01J10OPERATIONContinuedOPTIONAL REMOTEOPERATIONNote: All remote control accessories mustbe purchased separately. Follow instructionsincluded with the remote control.NOTICE: you must light the pilotbefore using the hand-held re-mote control unit. See LightingInstructions, page 8.After lighting, let pilot flame burn for about oneminute. Turn control knob to ON position. Slidethe selector switch to the REMOTE position.Note: The burner may light if hand-held remotewas on when selector switch was last turnedoff. You can now turn the burner on and off withthe hand-held remote control unit.IMPORTANT: Do not leave the selector switchin the REMOTE or ON position when the pilotis not lit. This will drain the battery.ON/OFF SERIES (MOdEL HRC100)Hold the control button on the hand-heldremote until burner turns on. Hold the controlbutton again until burner turns off.TO LOCK press both buttons on hand-heldremote control until light stops flashing. Hand-held remote control is now locked. If the fireis on it will be turned off automatically. In thelocked state, the light will not light up whenany button is pressed.TO UNLOCK press both buttons togetheron hand-held remote control until the lightstops flashing. The hand-held remote is nowunlocked.Figure 19 - On/Off Hand-Held RemoteControl unit HRC100