www.desatech.com 5901053-01JFigure 6 - Checking Gas Joints (Propane/LP Gas Only)Figure 5 - Checking Gas JointsGas MeterEquipmentShutoff ValveINSTALLATIONContinuedEquipmentShutoff ValvePropane/LPSupply Tank6. Install the inlet fitting into the inlet openingof the gas control valve (see Figure 9). Usethread sealant on the male pipe threads.7. Place the burner pan assembly in thecenter of the fireplace floor. Make surethe front of pan faces forward.ILOTFigure 8 - Gas Control Valve withThermocouple and Pilot (Valve May Varyfrom Illustration)Thermopile and LinePilot and Line GasControlValvePressure Tap -Out (Manifold) Pressure Tap - In(Inlet)GA9150A REMOTE REAdy VALVE/PILOT KIT ASSEMbLYNatural Gas Installation1. Remove burner inlet fitting from burnermanifold (see Figure 7).2. Use 10 mm socket to remove the orifice(see Figure 11, page 6). Replace with theproper orifice for your log set. See technicalinformation charts in Figure 1 on page 2.3. Thread the gas control valve onto theburner inlet fitting (see Figure 7). Usethread sealant on the male threads of theburner inlet fitting. Hold the burner inletfitting with a wrench to prevent overtight-ening the connection to the burner. Makesure the control knob is facing the front(see Figure 7).4. Replace burner inlet fitting into burnermanifold (see Figure 7).5. Attach the pilot gas line to the pilot outlet ofthe gas control valve and tighten. Connectthermocouple wires to TP and TPTH termi-nals on gas valve terminal block. See Figure8. Do not overtighten. If using propane/LPgas, see Changing Pilot Orifice, page 7.Burner Inlet Fitting(containing orifice)GasControlValveBurner PanAssemblyFigure 7 - Installing Gas Control Valve(Valve May Vary from Illustration)Control KnobFigure 9 - Installing Inlet Fitting and GasConnector Tube (Valve May Vary fromIllustration)GasControlValve Gas Inlet FittingGasConnectorTubeInletOpening