www.desatech.com 112108-01C14VENTING INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSContinuedINSTALLATION FOR VERTICALTERMINATIONNOTICE: Use rigid pipe only. Flexventing is not to be used with avertical termination.1. Determine the route your vertical venting willtake. If ceiling joists, roof rafters, or otherframing will obstruct the venting system,consider an offset (see Figure 21) to avoidcutting load bearing members.Note: Pay special attention to these installa-tion instructions for required clearances (airspace) to combustibles when passing throughceilings, walls, roofs, enclosures, attic rafters,etc. Do not pack air spaces with insulation.Also note maximum vertical rise of the vent-ing system and any maximum horizontaloffset limitations. Offsets must fall within theparameters shown in Figure 22.2. Set the fireplace in desired location. Drop aplumb line down from the ceiling to the posi-tion of the fireplace exit flue. Mark the centerpoint where the vent will penetrate the ceiling.Drill a small locating hole at this point.Drop a plumb line from the inside of the roofto the locating hole in the ceiling. Mark thecenter point where the vent will penetrate theroof. Drill a small locating hole at this point.X12Roof Pitch isx 12 ListedClearance8'MinimumListedVent CapLowestDischargeOpeningListedGasVentH (Min.) Height from RoofFigure 22 - Vertical Vent TerminationClearanceROOF PITCH H(Min.)Flat to 6/12 1.0'6/12 to /12 1.25'Over /12 to 8/12 1.5'Over 8/12 to 9/12 2.0'Over 9/12 to 10/12 2.5'Over 10/12 to 11/12 3.25'Over 11/12 to 12/12 4.0'Over 12/12 to 14/12 5.0'Over 14/12 to 16/12 6.0'Over 16/12 to 18/12 .0'Over 18/12 to 20/12 .5'Over 20/12 to 21/12 8.0'Figure 21 - Vertical Vent Pipe OffsetsPlumber’sTapeConnectedto WallStrapWallStrapFirestop(2) 45°ElbowsFirestop(2) 45°ElbowsRoofFlashingFlat Ceiling Installation1. Cut a 10 3/4" square hole in the ceiling usingthe locating hole as a center point. The open-ing should be framed to 10 3/4"x10 3/4" insidedimensions, as shown in Figure 18 on page13 using framing lumber the same size as theceiling joists. If the area above the ceiling is aninsulated ceiling or an attic space, nail firestopfrom the top side. This prevents loose insula-tion from falling into the required clearancespace. If the area above the ceiling is a livingspace, install firestop below the framed hole.The firestop should be installed with no lessthan three nails per side (see Figure 23).Figure 23 - Installing FirestopIf area above is a living space, installfirestop below framed hole.If area above is an attic, install firestopabove framed hole.