www.desatech.com111986-01F 15Note: If an offset is needed to avoidobstructions, you must support the ventpipe every 3 feet. Use wall straps for thispurpose (see Figure 19, page 14). When-ever possible, use 45° elbows instead of90° elbows. The 45° elbow offers lessrestriction to the flow of the flue gasesand intake air.5. Place the flashing over the pipe section(s)extending through the roof. Secure thebase of the flashing to the roof and fram-ing with roofing nails. Be sure roofingmaterial overlaps the top edge of theflashing as shown in Figure 19, page 14.There must be a 1" clearance from thevent pipe to combustible materials.6. Continue to add pipe sections until theheight of the vent cap meets the minimumbuilding code requirements described inFigure 7 on page7VENTING INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSContinuedVertical Termination ConfigurationsFigures 21 through 24 show four differentconfigurations for vertical termination.Venting with Two 90° ElbowsVertical (V)Horizontal (H1) +Horizontal (H2)5' min. 2' max.6' min. 4' max.7' min. 6' max.8' min. 8' max.20' max. 8' max.Figure 21 - Vertical VentingConfiguration Using Two 90° Elbowswith Two Horizontal Runs (VerticalRound High Wind Termination Shown)Note: Install restrictorinto inner collar offireplace as shown.45° ElbowVenting with One 90° ElbowVertical (V) Horizontal (H)5' min. 2' max.6' min. 4' max.7' min. 6' max.8' min. 8' max.20' max. 8' max.Figure 22 - Vertical VentingConfiguration Using One 90° Elbow(Vertical Round High Wind TerminationShown)45° ElbowNote: Install restrictor intoinner collar of fireplace asshown.Note: You must increase vent height forsteep roof pitches. Nearby trees, adjoiningrooflines, steep pitched roofs and othersimilar factors may cause poor draft ordown-drafting in high winds. Increasingthe vent height may solve this problem.7. Twist-lock the vent cap onto the last sec-tion of vent pipe.Note: If the vent pipe passes through any oc-cupied areas above the first floor, includingstorage spaces and closets, you must enclosepipe. You may frame and sheetrock the en-closure with standard construction material.Make sure and meet the minimum allowableclearances to combustibles. Do not fill any ofthe required air spaces with insulation.