www.desatech.com 112435-01M10Venting inStallationContinuedFigure 9 - Elbow OffsetBAScrewsFIRESTOP SPACERS (FS-10,1100EFS-10DM FOR GM36)Firestop spacers are required at each point wherethe chimney penetrates a floor space. Their purposeis to establish and maintain the required clearancebetween the chimney and the combustible materials.When the pipe passes through a framed opening intoa living space above, the firestop must be placed ontothe ceiling from below as shown in Figure 10.They also provide complete separation from one floorspace to another or attic space as required by mostcodes. When the double wall pipe passes through aframed opening into an attic space, the firestop mustbe placed into an attic floor as shown in Figure 11.Figure 10 - Firestop Spacer with LivingSpace Above CeilingFigure 11 - Firestop Spacer with AtticSpace Above CeilingExistingCeilingFrameFirestopSpacerScrews orStaples(Min. of 8)FirestopSpacerScrews or Staples(Min. of 8)PENETRATING THE ROOFTo maintain a 1" (GM36) or 2" (GM42/GM50)clearance to the pipe on a roof with a pitch, arectangular opening must be cut.1. Determine the center point through which thepipe will penetrate the roof.2. Determine the center point of the roof. Pitchis the distance the roof drops over a givenspan, usually 12". A 6/12 pitch means thatthe roof drops 6" for each 12" one measurehorizontally down from the roof rafters.3. Use the roof opening chart (Figure 12) todetermine the correct opening length andflashing required.17" Min. 30" Min.1" Min.1" Min.1" Min.Opening "A"Roof Opening GM36Pitch Slope Opening"A" Max.Used FlashingModel No.Flat 0° 1" V6F-10DM0-6/12 26.6° 1" V6F-10DM6/12-12/12 45.0° 24" V12F-10DMRoof Opening GM42/50Pitch Slope Opening"A" Max.Used FlashingModel No.Flat 0° 1.5" V6F-10DM0-6/12 26.6° 22' V6F-10DM6/12-12/12 45.0° 2" V12F-10DMExistingCeilingFrame19.5" Min. 30" Min.2" Min.2" Min.2" Min.Opening "A"Figure 12 - Roof Opening Measurements