www.desatech.com112435-01M 11Venting inStallationContinued4. Remove the shingles around the openingmeasured. Cut out this section.5. Add the next sections of the pipe until theend penetrates the roof line. Check to see thatthe proper clearances are maintained. Extendchimney by adding sections of double wallpipe until pipe is minimum of 30" above thehighest point of the roof cutout. Terminationand chimney must extend a minimum of36" above the highest point where it passesthrough the roof.FLASHING INSTALLATION (V6F-10DMOR V12F-10DM)Determine the flashing to be used with the roofopening chart. Slide flashing over pipe until baseis flat against roof. Replace as many shingles asneeded to cover exposed area and flashing base.Secure in position by nailing through shingles(see Figure 13). DO NOT NAIL THROUGHFLASHING CONE.Installing Flashing on a Metal RoofWhen installing the flashing on a metal roof, it isrequired that putty tape be used between the flash-ing and the roof. The flashing must be secured tothe roof using #8 x 3/4" screws and then sealedwith roof coating to prevent leakage through thescrew holes. A roof coating must also be appliedaround the perimeter of the flashing to provide aproper seal.Nail OnlyOuterPerimeterof FlashingStormCollarFlashingConeUnderlapShinglesat BottomOverlapShingles Topand Sides OnlyFigure 13 - Flashing InstallationStorm Collar Installation (SC2-1)Place storm collar over pipe and slide down untilit is snug against the open edge of the flashing (seeFigure 14). Apply waterproof caulk around theperimeter of the collar to provide a proper seal.Figure 14 - Storm CollarChimneyPipeWaterproofCaulkStormCollar FlashingTerminations/Spark ArrestorThe fireplace system must be terminated with thelisted round top or chase terminations. In any case,refer to the installation instructions supplied withthe termination.CAUTION: Do not seal open-ings on the rooftop flashing. Fol-low the installation instructionsprovided with the terminationbeing used.SecureTerminationto OuterPipe with 3ScrewsRTL-10DLevel ofFlue GasOutletStainlessInner FluePipeWaterproofCaulkingStormCollarFlashingUnderlapShinglesFigure 15 - TerminationOverlapShingles (Topand Sides ofFlashing Base)