www.desatech.com 119342-01B18TROUBLESHOOTINGWARNING: Turn off and unplug heater and let cool before servicing.Only a qualified service person should service and repair heater.CAUTION: Never use a wire, needle or similar object to cleanODS/pilot. This can damage ODS/pilot unit.Note: All troubleshooting items are listed in order of operation.POSSIBLE CAUSE1. Ignitor electrode positionedwrong2. Ignitor electrode broken3. Ignitor electrode not con-nected to ignitor cable4. Ignitor cable pinched orwet5. Broken ignitor cable6. Bad ignitor7. Battery not installed, batterypower low or battery notinstalled correctly1. Gas supply turned off orequipment shutoff valveclosed2. Control knob not fullypressed in while pressingignitor button3. Air in gas lines when in-stalled4. Depleted gas supply (pro-pane/LP gas)5. ODS/pilot is clogged6. Gas regulator setting is notcorrect7. Control knob is not in pilotpositionREMEDY1. Replace pilot assembly2. Replace pilot assembly3. Reconnect ignitor cable4. Free ignitor cable if pinchedby any metal or tubing.Keep ignitor cable dry5. Replace ignitor cable6. Replace ignitor7. Install new alkaline batteryin electronic ignitor. Verifybattery is installed correctly1. Turn on gas supply or openequipment shutoff valve2. Turn to PILOT position. Fullypress in control knob whilepressing ignitor button3. Continue holding downcontrol knob. Repeat ignit-ing operation until air isremoved4. Contact local propane/LPgas company5. Clean ODS/pilot (see Clean-ing and Maintenance, page17) or replace ODS/pilotassembly6. Replace gas regulator7. Turn control knob to pilotpositionOBSERVED PROBLEMWhen ignitor button ispressed in, there is no sparkat ODS/pilotWhen ignitor button ispressed in, there is a sparkat ODS/Pilot but no ignition