Close and LatchCapabilityMomentarykA PeakIdentification Rated ValuesCircuit Voltage Á Insulation Level Normal Current Short Circuit Transient Recovery Voltage Short Short CableBreaker Type Power Lightening Breaking Uc t 3 t d Time Circuit ChargingFrequency Impulse Current (3 Second) Making BreakingWithstand Current Current CurrentkV rms kV rms kV Peak Amperes kA rms kA Peak μs μs kA rms kA Peak Amperes240VCP-W16 24 60 125 630 16 41 88 13 16 40 31.512502000240VCP-W20 24 60 125 630 20 41 88 13 20 50 31.512502000240VCP-W25 24 60 125 630 25 41 88 13 25 63 31.512502000I.B. 32-255-1GPage 4Effective 12/02Table 1.5 (IEC-56 StandardsÀ) Type VCP-W Vacuum Circuit Breaker Through 17.5 kV Rated Symmetrical Current BasisÀInterrupting time is 3 cycles at 50/60 Hz. Rated operating sequence 0-3 min-CO-3 min-CO.Table 1.6 (IEC-56 StandardsÀ) Type VCP-W Vacuum Circuit Breaker Through 24 kV Rated Symmetrical Current BasisÀCESI certified for rated operating sequence: O-0.3 seconds-CO-15 seconds-COin accordance with IEC 56. Consult Cutler-Hammer for CESI certificates on file.ÁTested at 28.5 kV.Identification Rated ValuesCircuit Voltage Class Insulation Level Normal Current Short Circuit 3 Second Short Short Circuit Cable ChargingBreaker Type Power Frequency Impulse Withstand Breaking Current Time Current Making Current Breaking AmpskV rms kV Peak kV Peak Amperes kA rms kA rms kA Peak Amperes36VCPW-ND25 3.6 10 40 630, 1250 25 25 63 2536VCPW-ND32 3.6 10 40 630, 1250 31.5 31.5 79 2572VCPW-ND25 7.2 20 60 630, 1250 25 25 63 2572VCPW-ND32 7.2 20 60 630, 1250 31.5 31.5 79 2536VCP-W25 3.6 10 40 630, 1250, 2000 25 25 63 2536VCP-W32 3.6 10 40 1250, 2000 31.5 31.5 79 2536VCP-W40 3.6 10 40 1250, 2000 40 40 100 2572VCP-W25 7.2 20 60 630, 1250, 2000 25 25 63 2572VCP-W32 7.2 20 60 1250, 2000 31.5 31.5 79 2572VCP-W40 7.2 20 60 1250, 2000 40 40 100 25120VCP-W25 12.0 28 75 630, 1250, 2000 25 25 63 25120VCP-W32 12.0 28 75 1250, 2000 31.5 31.5 79 25120VCP-W40 12.0 28 75 1250, 2000 40 40 100 25175VCP-W25 17.5 38 95 1250, 2000 25 25 63 31.5175VCP-W32 17.5 38 95 1250, 2000 31.5 31.5 79 31.5175VCP-W40 17.5 38 95 1250, 2000 40 40 100 31.5Table 1.4 (ANSI Standards) Type VCP-WG Generator Vacuum Circuit Breaker Through 5-15 kV Rated SymmetricalCurrent BasisCircuitBreaker Type50VCP-WG5050VCP-WG63150VCP-WG50150VCP-WG63VoltageMaximum VoltageVoltage Range FactorE KkV rmsInsulation LevelWithstand Test VoltagePower Frequency Impulse(1 minute)kV rms kV PeakCurrentContinuous Short CircuitCurrent Current (at Ratedat 60 Hz Maximum kV)IAmperes kA rmsInterruptingTimeCyclesPermissibleTrippingTimeYSecondsMaximumVoltageDivided by KE/KkV rmsPeakVoltageE2kVTime-to-Peakt2μs4.76 1 19 604.76 1 19 6015.0 1 36 9515.0 1 36 9512002000300012002000300012002000300012002000300050 3 2 4.76 27 8.8 13763 3 2 4.76 28 9.0 17350 3 2 15.0 27 3.5 13763 3 2 15.0 28 3.5 173Identification Rated Values