qualifications outlined in this product specification, except for the conditionsbelow.When in the Power Conditioner mode, the UPS has the following functionalityand limitations:1. The UPS runs in the double conversion mode.2. Because there is no battery, loss of utility power results in the UPS losingpower and shutting down.3. The UPS sustains up to -50% input voltage tolerance, unless the currentlimit is reached.4. If the rectifier is turned off, the UPS attempts a transfer to the bypassmode.5. The ESS mode is not available.3.3.4 Frequency ConverterThe Frequency Converter mode is characterized by the UPS running without thebypass mode available. The output frequency can be configured to be differentfrom the standard input frequency (e.g. 60 Hz output, 50 Hz input). The UPScan also support high nonlinear loads without iTHD on the input. The UPSmeets the qualifications outlined in this product specification, except for theconditions below.When in the Frequency Converter mode, the UPS has the following functionalityand limitations:1. Operation is the same as when in the double conversion mode with nobypass available.2. Bypass alarms are suppressed.3.4 Software and connectivity features3.4.1 User interfaceMiniSlot Communication Bays — there are 2 communication bays for MiniSlotconnectivity cards. MiniSlot cards are quickly installed and are hot-pluggable.See Chapter6 for additional information.3.4.2 Power Management SoftwareIntelligent Power software products offer tools for monitoring and managingpower devices across the network. See Chapter6 for more information.Eaton 91PS/93PS UPS 8-10 kW User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2018. All rights reserved. Revision: 003 Document ID: P-164000672 27 (102)