33THE BUZZERSOUNDSCONTINUOUSLYAND THE DISPLAYSHOWS ONE OF THEFOLLOWING CODES:A80E, A810, F808THE LOADAPPLIED TO THEUPS IS TOO HIGHReduce the load to within thethreshold of 100% (or userthreshold in the case of codeA80E).If the display shows an Fault:remove the load and switch theUPS off and back on again.THE DISPLAYSHOWS THEFOLLOW CODE:A60DBATTERIESMISSING ORBATTERY BOXMISSING OR NOTCONNECTEDCheck that the Battery Box isinserted and connected to the UPScorrectly.THE BUZZERSOUNDSCONTINUOUSLYAND THE DISPLAYSHOWS ONE OF THEFOLLOWING CODES:A004 F004THETEMPERATUREINSIDE THE UPS ISTOO HIGHCheck that the temperature of theenvironment in which the UPS islocated does not exceed 40°C.THE BUZZERSOUNDSCONTINUOUSLYAND THE DISPLAYSHOWS ONE OF THEFOLLOWING CODES:F805THERE IS A FAULTON ONE OR MOREOF THE LOADSPOWERED BY THEUPSDisconnect all the utilities, switchthe UPS off and back on again,reconnect the utilities one at a timeto identify which one is faulty.THE BUZZERSOUNDSCONTINUOUSLYAND THE DISPLAYSHOWS ONE OF THEFOLLOWING CODES:F704,F70D,F70C,F302,F303,F305,F300,F301,F304, F002THE UPS ISMALFUNCTIONINGIf possible, disconnect the powerto the load, switch the UPS off andback on again; if the problemoccurs again, call the supportcentre.THE DISPLAYSHOWS THE CODE:A900THEMAINTENANCEBYPASS FUNCTIONIS ACTIVETo take the UPS out of themaintenance bypass function,open the manual bypass switch onthe back of the UPS.