UPS Operating Instructions6-8 Eaton 9E UPS (20–30 kVA, 208/220V) Generation 3 Installation and Operation Manual P-164000301—Rev 1 – Config(System Level 1 Setup)(continued)Set Date and TimeMM/DD/YYYYThe Set Date and Time MM/DD/YYYY screen allows the internal date and time of the UPS to be set inthe month/day/year format. The date and time information is used for display on the screen and forlogging events in the Event and History Logs. Use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow pushbutton to highlightthe setting to be changed. Use the UP or DOWN arrow pushbutton to make the change. Whenfinished making changes, use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow pushbutton to highlight SAVE and the UP orDOWN arrow pushbutton to select YES. To complete the save function and return to the SystemSetup screen, select the RETURN arrow pushbutton.Set Date and TimeDD/MM/YYYYThe Set Date and Time DD/MM/YYYY screen allows the internal date and time of the UPS to be set inthe day/month/year format. The date and time information is used for display on the screen and forlogging events in the Event and History Logs. Use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow pushbutton to highlightthe setting to be changed. Use the UP or DOWN arrow pushbutton to make the change. Whenfinished making changes, use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow pushbutton to highlight SAVE and the UP orDOWN arrow pushbutton to select YES. To complete the save function and return to the SystemSetup screen, select the RETURN arrow pushbutton.Language The Language Setup screen allows the display menu language to be selected. Use the UP or DOWNarrow pushbutton to highlight Language, then press the RETURN pushbutton to display the Languagescreen. Use the UP or DOWN arrow pushbutton to highlight the desired language, then press theRETURN pushbutton. To return to the System Setup screen, press the ESC pushbutton.Unit Name The Unit Name Setup screen allows a unit name to be entered. Use the UP or DOWN arrowpushbutton to highlight Unit Name, then press the RETURN pushbutton to display the Unit Namescreen. Use the LEFT or RIGHT arrow pushbutton to highlight the character to be changed. Use theUP or DOWN arrow pushbutton to make the change. When finished making changes, use the LEFT orRIGHT arrow pushbutton to highlight SAVE and the UP or DOWN arrow pushbutton to select YES.To complete the save function and return to the System Setup screen, select the RETURN arrowpushbutton. To return to the System Setup screen, press the ESC pushbutton.Meters The Meters Setup screen allows the Meters Screen display style to be selected. Use the UP orDOWN arrow pushbutton to highlight Meters, then press the RETURN pushbutton to display theMeters screen. Use the UP or DOWN arrow pushbutton. to highlight the desired style, then press theRETURN pushbutton. To return to the System Setup screen, press the ESC pushbutton.Lamp Test The Lamp Test screen allows the control panel status lamps to be tested. Use the UP or DOWN arrowpushbutton to highlight Lamp Test, then press the RETURN pushbutton to illuminate the status lamps.To return to the System Setup screen, press the ESC pushbutton.Clear Log The Clear Log screen allows the history log to be cleared. Use the UP or DOWN arrow pushbutton tohighlight Clear Log, then press the RETURN pushbutton to clear the log. To return to the SystemSetup screen, press the ESC pushbutton.P/W The P/W screen is used to change the System Setup Level 1 password. Use the UP or DOWN arrowpushbutton to highlight P/W, then press the RETURN pushbutton to display the P/W screen. Use theLEFT or RIGHT arrow pushbutton to select the password character position. Use the UP or DOWNarrow pushbutton to change the password character. Once the password is entered, select CHANGEand then press the RETURN pushbutton .Controls See paragraph 6.2.7 for details.Table 6-3. Display Menu OperationFunction Subfunction Operation