For more information visit: IB140036ENInstruction BookletPage 14 Effective: October 2014 O&M Manual for 40-1200A (480/600 Vac) ATC-900 3-Position,Open/Closed Transition Contactor Based Transfer SwitchSection 4: Installation and Wiring4.1 GeneralEaton ATSs are factory wired and tested. Installation requiressolidly mounting the enclosed unit and connecting power cablesand auxiliary pilot circuits. Physical mounting procedures andpower cable connections are covered in this section. All otherrequired wiring or electrical connection references are covered ina separate Customer Wiring Booklet packaged with the ATS.Locate the wiring schematic, review it, and keep it readily avail-able for reference purposes during installation and testing. Oncean ATS is properly installed and wired, it should be mechanicallyand electrically checked for proper installation and operation.The procedures for these initial mechanical and electrical checksare outlined in Section 6 of this instruction manual.WARNINGBE CERTAIN THAT THE SOLID STEEL DOOR IS PROPERLYINSTALLED BEFORE THE TRANSFER SWITCH EQUIPMENT IS PUTINTO SERVICE. THE DOOR PROVIDES PROTECTION FROM DAN-GEROUS VOLTAGES AT THE LINE AND LOAD TERMINALS WHENTHE EQUIPMENT IS IN OPERATION. FAILURE TO DO SO COULDRESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.WARNINGBE CERTAIN THAT THE PLASTIC COVER ON THE CONTACTORPOWER ASSEMBLY IS PROPERLY INSTALLED BEFORE THE TRANS-FER SWITCH EQUIPMENT IS PUT INTO SERVICE. THE COVERS PRO-VIDE PROTECTION FROM DANGEROUS VOLTAGES AT THECONTACTS. FAILURE TO DO SO COULD RESULT IN PERSONALINJURY OR DEATH.4.2 Mounting LocationChoose a location that offers a flat, rigid mounting surface capa-ble of supporting the weight of the enclosed ATS equipment. Forstandard ATSs, avoid locations that are moist, hot, or dusty.However, Eaton offers optional enclosure designs that can beused in special environments. If there are any doubts as to alocation’s suitability, discuss them with your Eaton representa-tive.Check to make certain that there are no pipes, wires, or othermounting hazards in the immediate mounting area that could cre-ate a problem.Carefully remove all packing material from the ATS at the mount-ing location. Even though an equipment inspection should havebeen made when the equipment was received, make anothercareful inspection of the enclosure and the enclosed ATS compo-nents as the packing material is removed and the enclosure read-ied for mounting. Be especially alert for distorted metal, loosewires, or damaged components.4.3 Mounting Procedure (Open Transition TransferSwitch)CAUTIONSINCE THE ENCLOSED ATS MUST BE LIFTED INTO PLACE FORMOUNTING, BE CERTAIN THAT ADEQUATE RESOURCES AREAVAILABLE FOR LIFTING TO AVOID PERSONNEL INJURIES OREQUIPMENT DAMAGE.All equipment enclosures and power panels are of a similardesign. Only the overall physical dimensions change. Note thatthe enclosure is provided with two teardrop (elongated) mountingholes in the top mounting flange and two standard holes in thebottom.Cable entry holes are not part of the enclosure when shippedfrom the factory and must be provided in the field, either beforeor after mounting the enclosure. Cable access may be from thetop, bottom, and/or side.CAUTIONEXTREME CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE TRANSFERSWITCH FROM DRILL CHIPS, FILINGS, AND OTHER CONTAMI-NANTS WHEN MAKING THE CABLE ENTRY HOLES. EXTREMECARE SHOULD ALSO BE TAKEN WHEN MOUNTING THE ENCLO-SURE TO PREVENT COMPONENT DAMAGE OR A FUTURE MAL-FUNCTION.Figure 10.Typical (40A-1200A) Open Transition Contactor BasedATS Equipment (Door Open).