LOGICPANELSOURCE 1LUGSTRANSFERMECHANISMSOURCE 2LUGSLOADLUGS GROUNDCONNECTIONVOLTAGEPANELNEUTRALCONNECTIONSELECTIONFor more information visit: www.eaton.com IB140036ENInstruction BookletPage 8 Effective: October 2014 O&M Manual for 40-1200A (480/600 Vac) ATC-900 3-Position,Open/Closed Transition Contactor Based Transfer SwitchFigure 6A. Typical for 1200A Open Transition ATS.LOGICPANELSOURCE-1 LUGSVOLTAGE SELECTION& TRANSFORMER PANELTRANSFERMECHANISMSOURCE-2 LUGSLOAD LUGSGROUNDCONNECTIONFigure 6B. Typical for 1200A Close Transition ATS.3.3 Voltage Selection3.3.1 North American Voltage Selection (120, 208, 240,480, 600, 60 Hz)The North American market voltage selection panel consists ofmulti-tap transformers, contained in a steel case mounted in thetransfer switch enclosure (Figure 7). The cover has two connec-tors on it, with the one on the right being selectable depending onthe voltage applied to S1 and S2. The transformer unit is easilyremoved by removing the two front screws and disconnecting thetwo plugs. The rear of the transformer enclosure has two flangesthat are inserted into two slots. The voltage is selected by simplyremoving the plug from the default selected voltage on the coverplate and installing the plug to the desired available voltage. Plugsare provided for 120 to 600 Vac to satisfy any required NorthAmerican market application voltage. The factory default posi-tion is 480 Vac or 600 Vac. There is a similar selection panel forinternational voltages.