IB140036EN For more information visit: www.eaton.comInstruction BookletEffective: October 2014 Page 23O&M Manual for 40-1200A (480/600 Vac) ATC-900 3-Position,Open/Closed Transition Contactor Based Transfer Switch6.2.1 Transfer Switch Appears Inoperative (ManualOperation)Step 1: Initially verify that there is no voltage on any source(Source 1 or Source 2) inside the transfer switch.Step 2: Depress the "TRIP" button located on the operatingmechanism of the contactor to bring the contactor toneutral (trip) position.Step 3: Attach the handle to the manual lever (see Figure 16)and rotate the lever up to go to Source 1.Step 4: Depress the "TRIP" button located on the operatingmechanism of the contactor to bring the contactor toneutral (trip) position.Step 5: Depress the "SELECT" button located on the operatingmechanism of the contactor and rotate the lever upkeeping the "SELECT" button depressed to go toSource-2.Following above steps, if the transfer switch does not transferbetween two sources, contact factory personnelMANUALHANDLEOPERATINGSELECT BUTTONTRIP BUTTONFigure 16. Troubleshooting Manual Operation of the TransferSwitch.WARNINGHAZARDOUS VOLTAGES IN AND AROUND ATS EQUIPMENT DUR-ING THE PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS CAN CAUSE SEVERE PER-SONAL INJURY AND/OR DEATH. AVOID CONTACT WITH ANYVOLTAGE SOURCE WHILE PROBLEM SOLVING.Section 7: Adjustments7.1 GeneralNo Adjustments are required.