8OperationEPCT FirE sEriEs FirE PumP ConTrollEr MN124016EN August 2019 www.eaton.comThe HOME tab will display the incoming utility voltageand frequency along with the state of the contactor(s)and motor. The HOME tab will display the current systempressure reading along with the programmed Start andStop setpoints. At the bottom of the HOME tab is theNotification Area which shows all status, alarms, and timersindications with visuals to show which signals are soundingthe audible alarm; the date, time, and operation mode aredisplay below the Notification Area.When the controller receives a call-to-start signal andsuccessfully starts the pump motor, visual indication willbe provided by showing the “M” contact in a closed state,a border around the Motor/Pump, and a motor spinninggraphic. There will be a Pump Running status in theNotification Area4.2.1.3. Home screen of a controller without an ATS (motor running)Fig 3. HOME tab with ATSThe HOME tab will display the incoming voltage andfrequency for both sources along with the state of thetransfer switch breakers, Source 2 external disconnecthandle, and the motor. The HOME tab will displaythe current system pressure reading along with theprogrammed Start and Stop setpoints. At the bottom of theHOME tab is the Notification Area which shows all status,alarms, and timers indications with visuals to show whichsignals are sounding the audible alarm; the date, time, andoperation mode are display below the Notification Area.When the controller receives a call-to-start signal and start thepump motor, visual indication will be provided by showing aborder around the Motor/Pump, and a motor spinning graphic.There will be a Pump Running status in the Notification Area.4.3 Automatic start / stopThe EPCT controller will automatically start and stop the firepump motor as dictated by the features supplied and theirprogrammed set-point values. A summary of the controllerintelligence and supervisory circuits that constantly monitorthe condition of the system pressure, inputs, and systemalarm points is provided.4.3.1 Manual start sequenceManual start is defined as a local start, remote manual start,remote manual start/stop, or emergency start. Wheneverthe motor is running via a manual start, the motor needs tobe manually stopped via the stop pushbutton located on theenclosure flange.