23Optional add-on boardsEPCT FirE sEriEs FirE PumP ConTrollEr MN124016EN August 2019 www.eaton.com7.0 Optional add-on boardsThe EPCT controller is available with four (4) additionaloption cards: Relay Board, Secondary 4-20mA Device,MODBUS, and an Alarm Option board. The EPCT will havethe capability to have future option boards installed with theuse of a firmware update. The maximum allowable currentthrough the relays is 8A 250VAC / 30VDC.When a card is installed, the programming tab for the boardwill become visible. Programming values will be retained onoption card.7.1 Relay output boardIt includes four (4) relays with (1) one set of form C contactsper relay wired to terminal blocks. The relays shall be ratedat 8A, 250VAC and 30VDC. It includes two (2) pull-apart six(6) pin terminal blocks.7.1.1 Programmingi. Refer to Appendixdd K.7.2 Secondary 4-20 mA deviceIt includes a two (2) pole 4-20 mA input screw type, pull-apart terminal block. It also contains four (4) relays with (1)set of form-C contacts per relay wired to terminal blocks.The relays shall be rated at 8A, 250VAC and 30 VDC and itincludes two (2) pull-apart six (6) pin terminal blocks.7.2.1 Programming:i. Refer to Appendix L.7.3 MODBUS BoardIt includes an eight (8) pole dip switch bank designedto switch between RS422 and RS485 with or withoutterminating resistors. Includes one (1) pull-apart six (6) pinterminal block for TXD0, TXD1, RXD0, RXD1, Common, anda blank terminal. Includes two (2) surface mount LED’s, one(1) for transmitting and one (1) for receiving.7.3.1 Programming:i. Refer to Appendix M.7.3.2 MODBUS dip switch settingssW1 sW2 sW3 sW4 sW5 sW6 sW7 sW8RS422 Unterminated OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFRS422 Terminated RX OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFFRS422 Terminated TX ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFFRS422 Terminated RX/TX ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFFRS485 Unterminated OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFFRS485 Terminated ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF7.4 Supervisory alarm option boardIt includes a piezoelectric buzzer with a minimum ofan 90dB rating. Includes one (1) pull-apart six (6) pinterminal block; two terminals are used for a 120VAC input(non-polarity specific), two terminals are used for an external120VAC, minimum 50mA light connection, two terminalblocks are used for an external and silence push button.7.4.1 Programming:i. Refer to Appendix N.