12Operation and maintenance ofIZM low voltage air circuit breakerMOELLER www.moeller.net/de/upport10/09 AWB1230-1605Effective October 2009Table 3. Rejection Interlock Pin LocationsCell For:Pin Locations1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8IZM93, IZM20 X XIZM93, IZM20 X X XIZM93, IZM20 X X X XIZM97, IZM32 X X X XIZM97, IZM32 X X X X XIZM97, IZM32 X X X X X XIZM97, IZME40 X X X XIZM97, IZME40 X X X X XIZM97, IZME40 X X X X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X XIZM99, IZM63, IZM40 X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X XIZM99, IZM63, IZM40 X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X X XIZM99, IZM63, IZM40 X X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X X XIZM99, IZM63 X X X XCircuit breaker poitioningThe IZM drawout circuit breaker has four normal positions:• REMOVE (withdrawn) (Figure 7)• DISCONNECT (Figure 8)• TEST (Figure 9)• CONNECT (Figure 10)The REMOVE position is a position outside the compartmenton the cassette’s drawout rails where the circuit breaker is notengaged with the levering mechanism. The DISCONNECT, TEST,and CONNECT, positions are reached by means of the leveringmechanism.With the breaker solidly positioned on the cassette’s extension railsand levering-in mechanism in the DISCONNECT position, carefullyand firmly push the circuit breaker into the compartment as far as itwill go. The outer (recessed) portion of the circuit breaker faceplateshould align with the GREEN target line (labelled DISC) on the insidetop-left wall of the cassette (Figure 11).Figure 7. REMOVE PositionCompartmentFront DoorSecondary ConnectionNot MadeRear ofCompartmentPrimaryConnectionsNot MadeCircuit Breaker Outof Compartment OnExtension Rails • No Electrical Connections Made• Breaker On Extension Rails• Remove or Inspection PositionCircuitBreakerSide View