4 Commissioning4.12 CoE communication objectsDX-NET-ETHERCAT-2 01/14 MN040009EN www.eaton.com 45154 P6-09 Droop speed rw 609 2261hex155 P6-10 PLC function enable rw 610 2262hex156 P6-11 Speed holding time in the event of an enable signal rw 611 2263hex157 P6-12 Speed holding time in the event of a disable signal rw 612 2264hex158 P6-13 Motor brake opening time rw 613 2265hex159 P6-14 Motor brake engagement delay rw 614 2266hex160 P6-15 Minimum torque for brake opening rw 615 2267hex161 P6-16 Minimum torque time limit rw 616 2268hex162 P6-17 Maximum torque time limit rw 617 2269hex163 P6-18 Voltage for DC injection braking rw 618 226Ahex164 P6-19 Brake resistor value rw 619 226Bhex165 P6-20 Brake resistor power rw 620 226Chex166 P6-21 Braking chopper cycle in the event of excessively low temperature rw 621 226Dhex167 P6-22 Reset fan run-time rw 622 226Ehex168 P6-23 kWh meter reset rw 623 226Fhex169 P6-24 Service interval rw 624 2270hex170 P6-25 Service interval reset rw 625 2271hex171 P6-26 AO1, scaling rw 626 2272hex172 P6-27 AO1, Offset rw 627 2273hex173 P6-28 Display index P0-80 rw 628 2274hex174 P6-29 Save parameters as default rw 629 2275hex175 P6-30 Access code for menu level 3 rw 630 2276hex176 P7-01 Motor stator resistance rw 701 22BDhex177 P7-02 Rotor resistance rw 702 22BEhex178 P7-03 Motor leakage inductance (d) rw 703 22BFhex179 P7-04 Motor magnetizing current rw 704 22C0hex180 P7-05 Motor leakage factor rw 705 22C1hex181 P7-06 Motor leakage inductance (q) rw 706 22C2hex182 P7-07 Advanced generator control rw 707 22C3hex183 P7-08 Enable, motor parameter adaptation rw 708 22C4hex184 P7-09 Overvoltage current limit rw 709 22C5hex185 P7-10 Load inertia factor rw 710 22C6hex186 P7-11 Minimum PWM pulse width rw 711 22C7hex187 P7-12 Magnetizing time at the U/f method rw 712 22C8hex188 P7-13 Rotational speed controller D gain rw 713 22C9hex189 P7-14 Torque boost rw 714 22CAhex190 P7-15 Maximum frequency limit for torque boost rw 715 22CBhex191 P7-16 Enable, signal injection rw 716 22CChex192 P7-17 Signal injection level rw 717 22CDhexADI order Description Access right ADI number Index