4RevolutionaryfeatureintegrationThe Powerware 9390 UPS is a double-conversionUPS that resolves all utility power problems andsupplies clean, continuous, uninterruptible powerto all connected equipment.Efficiency and powerfactor control foroptimum performanceThe Powerware 9390operates at a highefficiency of up to 94 percent, which reduces utilitycosts and extends batteryrun times. Higher systemefficiency produces cooleroperating conditions,which reduces facility airconditioning cost, extendsthe life of UPS components,and increases overallreliability, availability, andperformance.A new input circuit designkeeps input current THDlow and input powerfactor near unity withoutcompromising overallefficiency. As a result, thePowerware 9390 allowsmaximum transfer of powerbetween power sourceand protected load and isexceptionally compatiblewith multiple powersources, especially auxiliarygenerators. On the outputside, the ultra high speedswitching Pulse WidthModulation (PWM) inverterenables the Powerware9390 to provide its full ratedpower capability to the loadwhether the load powerfactor is 0.9 lagging, unity,or 0.9 leading.Hot Sync—unbreakablesecurityEaton’s Hot Sync parallelstwo or more UPS units.Units are capable of loadsharing without the needfor communicationswiring, hitherto the mostvulnerable point of failurein all UPS systems. EachPowerware module hasthe ability to synchroniseand support the criticalload independently of theother modules. Thus allcritical loads are supportedby UPS-grade power,whatever maintenanceneeds—scheduled orunscheduled—should arise.Hot Sync—redundant isan N+1 module systemallowing full maintenanceto be performed on allmodules and the parallelcabinet without the needfor an external maintenancebypass and without havingto remove the critical loadfrom conditioned power.Sync Control givesreliable downstreamdistributionThe Sync Control functionmaintains UPS output insync with the externalpower source or anotherindependent source. Thisensures the permanentsynchronisation of twoindependent UPS systemswhen the reference sourceat the bypass input isabsent. Sync Controlenables the independentoperation of both UPSunits without introducinga single point of failure.This provides synchronoustransfer capabilities todownstream load transfersystems.Double-conversiondesign offers the highestprotection possibleThe double-conversiondesign completely isolatesoutput power from allinput power anomaliesand delivers 100-per centconditioned, perfect sine-wave output—regulatingboth voltage and frequency.Voltage is constantly heldwithin two per cent ofnominal specification forlinear loads and withinthree per cent for nonlinearloads. This makes the 9390ideal for equipment thatis particularly sensitive tovoltage fluctuations. In theevent of a utility powerfailure, there is no delaytransferring to backuppower.MainsLoadHot Sync Redundancy/Capacity - 4 x UPS with integral static switch