5Advanced BatteryManagement deliversperformance and longerservice lifeWhen a utility poweroutage causes a UPS toswitch to battery backup—even momentarily—youhave to be sure thebatteries are healthy,charged and up tothe task. Powerware’sbattery configuration andmanagement strategieshelp keep your batteries atpeak performance.Eaton’s patented AdvancedBattery Management(ABMTM) technology usesa unique three-stagecharging technique thatsignificantly extends batteryservice life and optimisesrecharge time, compared totraditional trickle charging.An integrated batterymanagement system testsand monitors battery healthand remaining lifetime,and provides advancenotification to guidepreventive maintenance.Optional temperature-compensated chargingmonitors temperaturechanges and adjusts thecharge rate accordingly,which properly chargesthe battery and greatlyextends battery life. ManyUPS models also have aHot Swap feature allowingbattery change withoutdisconnecting the unit.Industry-leadingwarranty and serviceplans deliver peace ofmindThe Powerware 9390 UPSand its battery systemdeliver confidence. We backit up with the industry’smost extensive warrantyand service plans. The9390 features an optional24-month limited warrantywith coverage for partsand labour. This optionalwarranty comes with aservice protection package,which includes Start-Upservice, UPS preventivemaintenace and batteryhealth check. Beyond the12-month standard and 24-month extended warrantyperiods, other service plansare available to matchany need. Our top-of-the-line service packages areall-inclusive with uniquefeatures, such as advancedremote monitoring,customised UPS andbattery capacity planningreports, and comprehensivepower protection audits.Scalable architecturemeets your current andfuture load requirementsThe Powerware 9390supports loads from 40kVA to 160 kVA to deliverpower protection for smallbranch offices to largecorporate data centres andcommunication networks.Up to four equivalent UPSmodules can be paralleledfor additional capacity orredundancy, without havingto use a system parallelcabinet. Up to eight UPSmodules can be paralleledby using a centralisedbypass cabinet. In allparalleling configurations,each UPS module operatesindependently yet iscompletely synchronisedwith the others. ParallelUPS modules can provideN+1, N+2, or greaterredundancy.Flexible installationoptions expeditedeployment and savespaceThe Powerware 9390 offerssmall footprint comparedto competitive UPSofferings. Cabling can enterthe UPS from either the topor bottom of the cabinetto provide easier andflexible installation. Frontpanel access facilitatesservices and operation,thereby reducing MeanTime to Repair (MTTR).And since the compactPowerware 9390 cabinetcan be installed againstback and side walls, youhave more location options,installation is fast and easy,deployment cost is lower,and you save valuable datacentre space for futureexpansion.Powerware 9390 line-up (with battery cabinet)