EATON Powerware® 9390 and 9395 Sync Control Installation and Operation Manual 164201571 Rev E 3−1Chapter 3 Powerware Sync Control InstallationW A R N I N G Only qualified service personnel (such as a licensed electrician) shall perform the electrical installation. Riskof electrical shock. Shut down all sources of power to the Powerware 9390 or Powerware 9395 UPS system before connectingthe control wiring to the Powerware Sync Control enclosure and UPS. Hazardous voltages exist inside theUPS and in the Powerware Sync Control enclosure. Check all terminal conductors with a known serviceablevoltmeter before connecting the wiring.Once the Powerware Sync Control has been moved to its installed location,unpacked, and inspected, it is ready for installation and wiring.Use the applicable procedure from the following list to install the Powerware SyncControl to the UPS: With a Powerware 9390 UPS, proceed to paragraph 3.1. With a Powerware 9395 UPS, proceed to paragraph Installation and Wiring with a Powerware 9390 UPSNOTE When installing wiring connections, conduit must be installed between the Powerware Sync Control andthe UPS cabinet. Conduit also must be installed between the Powerware Sync Control and the customer’s remotemonitoring system.To install and wire:1. Install the Powerware Sync Control panel to the selected mounting location.See Figure 2-1 on page 2−2 for mounting hole dimensions and Figure 2-2 onpage 2−3 for conduit entrance locations.2. Unfasten the front door latches and swing the door open.3. Complete all control wiring interconnections using Table 3-1 for wiringrequirements.Figure 3-1 on page 3−3 shows the Powerware Sync Control TB1 terminal blockand ground terminal locations. Figure 3-2 on page 3−4 shows the TB1 terminalblock wiring detail.Figure 3-3 on page 3−5 and Figure 3-4 on page 3−6 show the typical locations ofthe UPS TB1, TB2, and TB6 interconnect terminal blocks. Figure 3-5 onpage 3−6 shows the TB6 detail.Refer to the applicable Powerware 9390 UPS Installation and Operation Manuallisted in paragraph 1.3 on page 1−4 for UPS cabinet terminal locations andassignments, termination requirements, conduit landing locations, and terminalaccess instructions.4. Verify the jumper is installed between Sync Control terminal TB1−40 and TB1−41(see Figure 3-2 on page 3−4).Figure 3Table 3