EATON Powerware® 9390 and 9395 Sync Control Installation and Operation Manual 164201571 Rev E 4−1Chapter 4 Powerware Sync Control Operating InstructionsThis chapter describes the operation of the Powerware Sync Control.4.1 Startup for UPS Systems Equipped with a Powerware Sync ControlStartup and operational checks must be performed by an authorized Eaton CustomerService Engineer, or the warranty terms as specified on page 5−1 become void. Thisservice is offered as part of the sales contract for the UPS. Contact service in advance(usually a two−week notice is required) to reserve a preferred startup date.4.2 Understanding Powerware Sync Control OperationThe Powerware Sync Control maintains critical load synchronization of either twoseparate single Powerware 9390 UPS systems or two separate single Powerware9395 UPS systems. See Figure 4-1 for a typical block diagram of the system.Synchronization of the UPS systems facilitates the uninterrupted transfer of customerloads from one load bus to another by means of downstream, dual−source, solid−statetransfer switches. Enable the automatic synchronization action of the PowerwareSync Control by pressing the Load Sync Enable pushbutton on the front of the panel.When enabled, the Load Sync Enable pushbutton illuminates.The Powerware Sync Control panel provides a three−phase synchronization referenceto each system. Each system uses this reference to regulate the inverter phaserelationship so that the two system outputs can maintain synchronization with eachother. To establish the three−phase synchronization reference, each system providesbypass sensing voltage and output (critical load) bus voltage to the Powerware SyncControl.Under normal operating conditions, bypass sensing voltage from each system isprovided back to its inverter through the Powerware Sync Control. As long as the twobypass sources feeding UPS System−A and UPS System−B are available and in phase,each system remains in synchronization with its own bypass source and the twosystems remain in synchronization with each other. If the two bypass sourcesbecome out of phase with each other (>0.1 Hz apart) or one or both sources becomeunavailable, the Powerware Sync Control provides a new three−phase synchronizationreference to the non−master system as determined by the Preferred Source Selectorswitch. The non−master system’s new synchronization reference is provided by thePowerware Sync Control from the output (critical load) bus of the system designatedas master by the Preferred Source Selector switch. See Figure 4-2 for a diagram ofthe synchronization reference control operation.When the two bypass sources regain availability and synchronization, the PowerwareSync Control provides the non−master system with its own bypass sensing voltage asa synchronization reference. Before resynchronization occurs, a 15−second presettime delay ensures the two bypass sources maintain acceptable synchronization.To maintain a fault−tolerant arrangement, the Powerware Sync Control accounts forthe following fault conditions or abnormal operating conditions:Figure 4Table 4