1 of 15POWER WIRING INSTALLATION NOTES032406B164201604---5DESCRIPTION:DATE:DRAWING NO: SHEET:REVISION:Installation InformationA-12 EATON Powerware® 9390 UPS (100–160 kVA) Installation and Operation Manual S 164201604 Rev B powerware.comTable E. INPUT/OUTPUT Ratings & External Wiring Requirements for the Powerware9390---120/100 and 9390---160/100Units Rating 50/60 HzBasic Unit Rating at 0.9 lagging pF load kVAkW1009010090Input and Bypass InputOutputVOLTSVOLTS208/220208/220480480AC Input to UPS Rectifier (0.98 min. pF)Full Load Current plus Battery Recharge Current(3) Phases, (1) Ground AAmps 300 130Minimum Conductor SizeNumber per PhaseAWG or kcmil(each)3/0(2)4/0(1)AC Input to UPS BypassFull Load Current(3) Phases, (1) Neutral---if required, (1) Ground BAmps 278/262 120Minimum Conductor SizeNumber per PhaseAWG or kcmil(each)3/0(2)4/0(1)DC Input from Battery to UPS(1) Positive, (1) NegativeCVdcAmps@ (2.0V/cell)384---480252432---480252Minimum Conductor SizeNumber per PoleAWG or kcmil(each)2/0(2)2/0(2)AC Output to Critical LoadFull Load Current(3) Phases, (1) Neutral---if required, (1) Ground D Amps 278/262 120Minimum Conductor SizeNumber per PhaseAWG or kcmil(each)3/0(2)4/0(1)Neutral Bonding JumperMinimum Conductor SizeNumber (See Note 7) --- AWG or kcmil(each)1/0(1)2(1)NOTE: Callout letters A, B, C, and D map to Drawing 164201604 ---4, sheets 1 of 6,2 of 6, 4 of 6, 5 of 6, and 6 of 6.Read and understand the following notes while planning and performing the installation:1. Refer to national and local electrical codes for acceptable external wiring practices.2. Material and labor for external wiring requirements are to be provided by designatedpersonnel.3. For external wiring, use 90° C copper wire. See the appropriate information in Table Ethrough Table G. Wire sizes are based on using the specified breakers.4. Wire ampacities are chosen from Table 310 ---16 of the NEC. Wire is 90°C specification.5. If installing, as part of the UPS system, a maintenance bypass without a rectifier inputbreaker, a minimum of two separate feeds with upstream feeder breakers, or one feed withtwo upstream feeder breakers, must be provided: one for the UPS and one for themaintenance bypass input. DO NOT use one feed or a single-feeder breaker to supplyboth the UPS and the maintenance bypass.