CONFIGURATIONEATON Powerware® Environmental Rack Monitor (ERM) User’s Guide S 164201673 Rev 1 117. Type 1 on the Main Menu to display the Rack Monitor ConfigurationMenu screen (see Figure 9).+============================================================================+| [ Rack Monitor Configuration Utility Main Menu ] |+============================================================================+1. Rack Monitor Configuration2. TH-Module Configuration3. Access Control Table4. Trap Receiver Table5. Reset Configuration To Default6. Restart Rack Monitor0. ExitPlease Enter Your Choice => 1+============================================================================+| [ Rack Monitor Configuration Menu ] |+============================================================================+1. System Group2. Control Group3. Parameter Group4. Email Group0. Return to previous menuPlease Enter Your Choice => _Figure 9. ERM Configuration MenuConfigure the System Group ParametersTo configure the IP address, Gateway address, and Network Maskparameters:1. Type 1 on the Rack Monitor Configuration Menu screen to displaythe System Group Configuration Menu screen (see Figure 10 andTable 2).2. Type 0 to return to the Rack Monitor Configuration Menu screen.NOTE To complete the ERM configuration, continue to the following section, “Modify theControl Group Parameters” on page 13 or connect the ERM through a Web browser (seepage 22).