SMOKE DETECTOREATON Powerware® Smoke Detector User’s Guide S 164201680 Rev 14Recommended Location of Smoke DetectorsS Install the smoke detector on the ceiling or wall closest to thedetected area.S Mount the smoke detector on the ceiling close to the rack or chassis.S Locate a detector in every room where electrical appliances areoperated (i.e., portable heaters or humidifiers).S When mounting the smoke detector on the ceiling, place it at aminimum of 10 cm (4”) from the side wall and 61 cm (2 ft) from anycorner.S If ceiling mounting is not possible and wall mounting is permitted byyour local and state codes, place the smoke detector on the wall10–15 cm (4–6”) from the ceiling.InstallationTo install the smoke detector:1. Using the smoke detector’s base as a pattern, trace the outlines ofthe two keyhole slots onto the mounting surface.2. Drill a pilot hole in the center of the small end of each keyhole slotin the mounting surface.3. Insert and tighten mounting screws into the pilot holes until theyare approximately 1/8” from the mounting surface.4. Mount the smoke detector base. Verify that the screws arepositioned in the small ends of the keyholes and tighten thescrews.5. Have a qualified electrician connect the smoke detector to ACpower.6. Snap the 9V battery connectors to the battery wire clip and insertthe battery into the battery holder.7. Attach the smoke detector cover to the base by turning it clockwiseuntil it latches. The smoke detector is now operating.NOTE The smoke detector cover will not attach to the base unless a battery is installed.