June 200640For more information visit: www.EatonElectrical.com CA04000006ESVX9000 Adjustable Frequency DrivesEnclosed DrivesCatalog Number SelectionTable 57. SVX9000 Enclosed NEMA Type 1/12 Drive Catalog Numbering System Local/Remote keypad is included as the standard Control Panel. Brake Chopper is a factory installed option only, see drive option tables on Pages 45 – 53. Note: External dynamic braking resistors not included. Con-sult factory. Includes local/remote speed reference switch. Some options are voltage and/or horsepower specific. Consult your Eaton representative for details. See Pages 41 and 42 for descriptions. See Pages 43 and 44 for complete descriptions.Applicable only with FR10 and FR11 Freestanding designs.Consult Eaton for pricing and availability.S V X F 0 7 1 4 A AEnclosed Options TypeK1K2K3K4K5K6KBKFKODoor-Mounted Speed Potentiometer Door-Mounted Speed Potentiometer withHOA Selector Switch 3 – 15 psig FollowerHAND/OFF/AUTO Switch (22 mm)MANUAL/AUTO Ref Switch (22 mm)START/STOP Pushbuttons (22 mm)115V Control Transformer – 550 VABypass Test Switch for RA and RBStandard Elapsed Time MeterControlControlControlControlControlControlControlAddl. BypassControlL1L2LALDLELFLJLUPower On and Fault Pilot LightsBypass Pilot Lights for RA, RB Bypass OptionsGreen RUN Light (22 mm)Green STOP Light (22 mm)Red RUN LightRed STOP Light (22 mm)White Power On Light (22 mm)Misc. Light (22 mm)LightAddl. BypassLightLightLightLightLightLightP1P2P3P7PEPFPGPHPIPNInput Disconnect (HMCP) 100 kAICDisconnect SwitchInput Line Fuses (200 kAIC)Input Power Surge ProtectionOutput ContactorOutput FilterMotoRx (Up to 600 Ft.) 1000 V/μS DV/DT FilterSingle Overload RelayDual Overload RelaysDual Overloads for BypassInputInputInputInputOutputOutputOutputOutputOutputAddl. BypassRARBRCRDManual HOA Bypass ControllerManual IOB Bypass ControllerAuto Transfer HOA Bypass ControllerAuto Transfer IOB Bypass ControllerBypassBypassBypassBypassS5S6S7S8S9Floor Stand 22"Floor Stand 12"10" Expansion20" ExpansionSpace HeaterEnclosureEnclosureEnclosureEnclosureEnclosureVoltage Rating1 = 208V2 = 230V4 = 480VProduct FamilySVX = Enclosed DrivesHorsepower RatingF07 = 3/4 hp001 = 1 hpF15 = 1-1/2 hp002 = 2 hp003 = 3 hp005 = 5 hp007 = 7-1/2 hp010 = 10 hp015 = 15 hp020 = 20 hp025 = 25 hp030 = 30 hp040 = 40 hp050 = 50 hp060 = 60 hp075 = 75 hp100 = 100 hp125 = 125 hp150 = 150 hp200 = 200 hp250 = 250 hp300 = 300 hp350 = 350 hp400 = 400 hp500 = 500 hp550 = 550 hp600 = 600 hp650 = 650 hp700 = 700 hp800 = 800 hpEnclosure Rating1 = NEMA Type 12 = NEMA Type 126 = NEMA 12 FilteredCommunication Options C2 = ModbusC3 = Profibus DPC4 = LonWorksC5 = Profibus DP (D9Connector)C6 = CanOpen(Slave)C7 = DeviceNetC8 = Modbus (D9TypeConnector)CA = JohnsonControls N2CI = Modbus TCPCJ = BACnetCK = Ethernet IPD3 = RS-232 with D9ConnectionApplication — Torque/Braking A = IL /No Brake ChopperB = IL /Internal Brake ChopperD = IH /No Brake ChopperE = IH /Internal Brake ChopperEnclosed StyleA = Enclosed DriveControl OptionsB1 = 6 DI, 1 ext +24V DC/EXT+24V DCB2 = 1 RO (NC/NO), 1 RO (NO),1 ThermB4 = 1 AI (mA isolated), 2 AO(mA isolated), 1 ext +24VDC/EXT +24V DCB5 = 3 RO (NO)B8 = 1 ext +24V DC/EXT +24VDC, 3 Pt100B9 = 1 RO (NO), 5 DI 42 – 240VAC InputBuild Alphabetically and NumericallyEngineered OptionsHTVB High Temperature rating for 50°C (FR10 and above)Varnished Boards