CA04000006E For more information visit: www.EatonElectrical.com65SVX9000 Adjustable Frequency DrivesJune 2006VFD Pump PanelsSVX9000 Pump ApplicationProduct Description■ Standard Enclosed — covers awide range of the most commonlyordered options. Pre-engineeringeliminates the lead time normallyassociated with customer specificoptions.■ Modified Standard Enclosed —applies to specific customer require-ments that vary from the StandardEnclosed offering, such as the needfor an additional indicating light orminor modifications to drawings.Consult your Eaton representativefor assistance in pricing and leadtime.■ Custom Engineered — for thoseapplications with more unique orcomplex requirements, these areindividually engineered to thecustomer’s needs. Consult yourEaton representative for assistancein pricing and lead time.Standards and Certifications■ UL Listed■ cUL ListedFeatures■ NEMA Type 12 or Type 3R enclosures■ Input Voltage: 208V, 230V, 480V and575V (Consult Factory)■ Complete range of control, networkand power options■ Horsepower range:❑ 208V — 3/4 to 100 hp I H ;1 to 100 hp I L❑ 230V — 3/4 to 100 hp I H ;1 to 100 hp I L❑ 480V — 1 to 350 hp I H ;1-1/2 to 400 hp I L■ HMCP padlockable■ Single Phase input available —Consult factoryInput Contactor(Included as Standardwith Bypass Option)Bypass Contactor• Option RA/RBSVX9000 VariableFrequency DriveInput Disconnect(HMCP)• Option P1NEMA 3R Enclosed 9000X Series DriveSpace Heater• Option S9Door-MountedKeypad (includedas standard)Figure 33. Power Diagram for BypassOption RASVX9000DriveHMCPInputPowerOutputContactorBypassContactorMechanicalInterlockMotorM LInverterInputContactor I