11Instruction Booklet IB131024ENEffective November 201738 kV Type VCPW-HD Simple ElectricalGround & Test Device (SEG&TD) lowerterminal instruction bookletEATON www.eaton.com7. Using the racking crank provided, engage the end of the rakingcrank with the racking mechanism of the 38 kV SEG&TD (seeFigure 36). Turn the raking crank clock-wise until the SEG&TDis fully racked into the breaker cell. (Refer to Figure 33 and orAppendix B for detailed “Step-by-Step Installation Guide”.)Figure 36. Engagement of the racking crank with the rackingmechanism.otee:N The selector switch handle may appear slightly different (“T” or “L”shape) however; both operate the same way.8. Visually check to make sure the 38 kV SEG&TD is open andracked into the connected position (see Figure 37).Figure 37. Visually check that the 38 kV SEG&TD is “Open” and“Connected”.9. Once the 38 kV SEG&TD is fully racked into the connectedposition, place key “KC” into Lock #2 and rotate key “KC” tomechanically unlock the SEG&TD from being closed and torelease key “KB”.10. Place key “KB” into Lock #1 and rotate it to electrically enablethe 38 kV SEG&TD. This will release Key “KU” and place inUtility Lock box.11. Make sure selector switch is in the “OFF” position (see Figure38). Now rotate Key “KU” to release and store in Utility Box.Figure 38. Selector switch in the “Off” position.12. Plug in the remote operator to the receptacle in the front of the38 kV SEG&TD (see Figure 39).Figure 39. Remote operator connected to the remote operatorreceptacle.otee:N The selector switch handle may appear slightly different (“T” or “L”shape) however; both operate the same way.13. Rotate the selector switch to the “Close” position (SeeFigure 40).Remote operatorreceptacle