2Instruction Booklet IB131024ENEffective November 201738 kV Type VCPW-HD Simple ElectricalGround & Test Device (SEG&TD) lowerterminal instruction bookletEATON www.eaton.com CAUTIONBECAUSE OF THE UNIQUE APPLICATION AND VAST VARIETY OF SYSTEM/USER REQUIREMENTS, SPECIFIC SAFE OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR THEUSE OF THIS DEVICE MUST BE DEVELOPED BY THE USER.1. Introduction38 kV Type VCPW-HD Simple Electrical Ground & Test Device(SEG&TD) assemblies are designed with all the bus work completelyinsulated for safety.Since the current carrying parts are not readily accessible, the type38 kV SEG&TD is designed for insertion into the switchgear com-partment to gain access to the primary stationary contacts. It pro-vides a convenient means to:• Ground the circuit for maintenance work and• Apply potential for cable testing.2. DescriptionThe 38 kV SEG&TD (see Figure 1) is a draw-out element that can beinserted into a switchgear compartment in the same manner as aVCPW-HD circuit breaker. This device is equipped with a set of threeupper terminals (stabs) (see Figure 2).Figure 1. 38 kV SEG&TD (front view).Figure 2. 38 kV SEG&TD (rear view – Power grounding 38kVSEG&TD operation configuration). Follow steps 2.1 - 3.4Figure 3. 38 kV SEG&TD (rear view – Test probes & testingfeeder configuration). Follow steps 3.5 – 3.9This device has longer depth than the standard VCPW-HD breaker.The stored energy closing mechanism for the power groundingbreaker is the same as used in type VCPW-HD breakers. It iscapable of applying the ground against a “Live” circuit if operationalerrors have not cleared the circuit. However, in such a case, therelaying at the source of power is expected to cause the sourceinterrupter to clear the circuit.