5 Commissioning and operation5.7 Operating system XP-503 with Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC56 XP-503 04/2020 MN048014 EN Eaton.com5.7.6 License Eaton Galileo-Open RuntimeXP-503 device types, which are licensed for Eaton Galileo Open Runtime, are licensed at the factoryfor the Galileo runtime software and enabled with 340 license points. Shipped from the factory onlythe license is installed on the device, the Galileo Open runtime software and the project files need tobe transferred by the Galileo Development Software tools to the XP-503 (device selection GalileoOpen) from the development PC. For further information on these tools consult the Galileo softwaremanuals.5.7.7 License Eaton Visual Designer RuntimeXP-503 device types, which are licensed for Eaton Visual Designer runtime, are licensed at thefactory for Eaton Visual Designer runtime and enabled with 4000 Tags. Shipped from the factory thelicense is installed on the device and a recent version of Visual Designer runtime is installed. Furtherinformation about Visual Designer and how to update the software version and download the runtimeproject consult the Visual Designer software manual and help files.5.7.8 Activation / Deactivation IIS Communication for Visual DesignerA deactivated adjustment improve the protection of the system from damage. For an activatedadjustment check the changed configurations for your application and please secure the system withother suitable security activities.Certain features of Visual Designer ( e.g. Remote access or WEB-visualization) require the activationof Microsoft Internet Information Services 7 (IIS 7). For activation / deactivartion of ths services ( andrelated TCP / UDP ports) please use the following applications stored under Windows“StartEaton”:• Activate IIS.cmd• Deactivate IIS.cmdAlternatively, you can also make the required settings directly in Windows Services and WindowsFirewall.5.7.9 Activation / Deactivation ScreensaverA enabled adjustment improve the protection of the system from damage. For a Disabled adjustmentcheck the changed configurations for your application and please secure the system with othersuitable security activities.By default, the screen saver feature is configured which might be unwanted in certain applications. Tochange the settings, please use the following applications stored under Windows „StartEaton”:• DisableScreenLock.cmd• EnableScreenLock.cmd