7. Maintenance7.3 Storage, transport and disposal7.3 Storage, transport and disposal7.3.1 Storage and transportCAUTIONUV LIGHTPlastics will become brittle when exposed to UV light. This artificialaging will reduce the XV300 unit's lifespan. Protect theXV300 unit fromdirect sunlight and other sources of UV radiation.CAUTIONSHORT-CIRCUIT HAZARDIf the XV300 multi touch display is or has been exposed to envir-onmental fluctuations (ambient temperature, air humidity), condensationmay form on or inside it. As long as this condensation is present, therewill be a short-circuit hazard.Do not switch on the XV300 multi touch display when it has con-densation in or on it.If the XV300 has condensation in or on it, or if the panel has beenexposed to environmental fluctuations, let the panel settle into the exist-ing ambient temperature before switching it on. Do not expose theXV300 multi touch display to direct thermal radiation from heating appli-ances.The ambient conditions must be met when transporting and storing the XV300.The ambient air temperature for storage and transportation must not exceed the max-imum specified limit:76 XV300 04/19 MN048017EN www.eaton.eu